
Neon CMS' website handler.

3.0.0-alpha-8 2024-05-10 12:40 UTC


Handles sites to be able to run on it.


  • "neon/model-uuid": "^1.0"


Easily install the composer package:

composer require neon/site

Then there are two ways to use the site: You can store your settings both in config file or in database. It depends on your wishes, you can install package on both ways.

Install config files

Install database migrations

Then you should install database migrations by:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=\"Neon\\Site\\NeonSiteServiceProvider\"


Site Middleware as of 2.0 does not add automatically to the array of middleware, so, if you want to use it, you should set up that for the routing:

use Neon\Site\Facades\Site;


This command will define the Site rules for Laravel's router. After this definition you can use it for different cases:

use Neon\Site\Facades\Site;
use Neon\Site\Http\Middleware\SiteMiddleware;

    'domain'      => Site::domain('domain_slug'),
    'middleware'  => SiteMiddleware::class
  ], function () {

    'middleware'  => [SiteMiddleware::class]
  ], function () {

    Route::get('/', function() {
      echo 'Hello '.app('site')->current()->locale.' /// DOMAIN';

If you want to separate routing by locale you can use it like this:

    'prefix'      => 'en',

You can also use site as prefixes:

use Neon\Site\Facades\Site;
use Neon\Site\Http\Middleware\SiteMiddleware;

    'prefix'      => Site::prefix('prefix_slug'),
    'middleware'  => SiteMiddleware::class
  ], function () {

SEO functions

Use favicon

Favicon could be set on admin UI. After that, yo can easily put it into the header right after the <title> tag:


Site dependent models

If you want something, like a Menu, what is rlated to the Site, then you just have to use the dependency trait.


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Neon\Attributable\Models\Traits\Attributable; //- You cab check this too...
use Neon\Models\Traits\Uuid;
use Neon\Site\Models\Traits\SiteDependencies;

class AwesomeModel extends Model
    use Attributable;
    use Uuid;
    use SiteDependencies;




The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.