A common set of tools used in NeedleProject libraries

v0.4.0 2018-07-10 09:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-12 01:01:45 UTC


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What is Common?

Common is a library packed with small re-usable utilities and helpers.


For larger usage, minimum version is PHP 5.5


composer require "needle-project/common"


  1. WordType convertor - Converts string to camelCase, PascalCase or snake_case
  2. ArrayHelper - searches if an array has a key in depth and retrieves the value
  3. Error to Exception - convert php errors to Exceptions
  4. ClassFinder - Searches for classes of a certain type.

1. WordType convertor

Converts a set of strings of typographical conventions between them. It handles camelCase, PascalCase and snake_case. Usage

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use NeedleProject\Common\Convertor\CompoundWordConvertor;

echo CompoundWordConvertor::convertToPascalCase("Hello World") . "\n";
// HelloWorld

echo CompoundWordConvertor::convertToCamelCase("Hello World") . "\n";
// helloWorld

echo CompoundWordConvertor::convertToSnakeCase("Hello World")  . "\n";
// hello_world

Known issues Converting an already converted type will fail. Example:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use NeedleProject\Common\Convertor\CompoundWordConvertor;

echo CompoundWordConvertor::convertToCamelCase("fooBar");
// will output "foobar", not fooBar

echo CompoundWordConvertor::convertToPascalCase("FooBar");
// will output "Foobar", not FooBar

echo CompoundWordConvertor::convertToSnakeCase("FOO BAR");
// will output "f_o_o_b_a_r", not "foo_bar"

2. ArrayHelper

Searches for a key in depth and retrieves it or state it's presense. Usage

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use NeedleProject\Common\Helper\ArrayHelper;

$searchFor = ['level1', 'level2', 'level3'];
$searchIn = [
    'level1' => [
        'level2' => [
            'level3' => 'A value'

$helper = new ArrayHelper();
if ($helper->hasKeysInDepth($searchIn, $searchFor)) {
    echo $helper->getValueFromDepth($searchIn, $searchFor);
    // A value

3. Error to Exception

Converts a PHP error to an Exception. Error level constans are the PHP's default ones that can be found here.

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use NeedleProject\Common\Util\ErrorToExceptionConverter;

class CustomException extends \Exception {

$convertor = new ErrorToExceptionConverter();
$convertor->convertErrorsToExceptions(E_ALL, CustomException::class);

try {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo get_class($e) . "\n";
    echo $e->getMessage();

// restore the previous state of error handling

4. ClassFinder

Searches for a class of a certain sub-type.

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use NeedleProject\Common\ClassFinder;

$classFinder = new ClassFinder(
    __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tests' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'fixtures',
$foundClasses = $classFinder->findClasses();

php test.php
// Array
// (
//    [0] => Fixture\Path\ClassList\BazClass
//    [1] => Fixture\Path\ClassList\GodClass
//    [2] => Fixture\Path\FooClass
// )


Feel free to contribute:

  • State ideeas
  • Open pull request with improvements/bug-fixes