
real time backend validation for Symfony2

dev-master 2014-09-29 12:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 04:09:48 UTC


A real time backend validation for Symfony2


Add bundle to your composer.json file

// composer.json

    "require": {
        // ...
        "nebumix/rt-validation-bundle": "dev-master"

Add bundle to your application kernel

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Bmatzner\JQueryBundle\BmatznerJQueryBundle(),
        new FOS\JsRoutingBundle\FOSJsRoutingBundle(),
        new Nebumix\rtValidationBundle\NebumixrtValidationBundle(),
        // ...

Download the bundle using Composer

$ php composer.phar update nebumix/rt-validation-bundle

Register the routing definition in app/config/routing.yml:

# app/config/routing.yml
    resource: "@FOSJsRoutingBundle/Resources/config/routing/routing.xml"

    resource: "@NebumixrtValidationBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"

Install assets

Given your server's public directory is named "web", install the public vendor resources

$ php app/console assets:install web

Optionally, use the --symlink attribute to create links rather than copies of the resources

$ php app/console assets:install --symlink web

Create new file app/config/securityRT.yml:

# app/config/securityRT.yml
    nebumix_rtvalidation.check.class: Nebumix\rtValidationBundle\Controller\CheckController

Import the new file in app/config/config.yml:

# app/config/config.yml
    // ...
    - { resource: securityRT.yml }

Installing NeburtValidation, you installed automatically also bmatzner/jquery-bundle and friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle

We need to configure friendsofsymfony/jsrouting-bundle, you can look the official documentation in the official page.

I suggest to add these lines in app/config/config.yml:

# app/config/config.yml
    routes_to_expose: [ nebumixrt_validation_check ]

The route name you need is nebumixrt_validation_check


Add jQuery

Add this line in your layout:

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('bundles/bmatznerjquery/js/jquery.min.js') }}"></script>

Add FOSJsRoutingBundle

Add these two lines in your layout:

<script src="{{ asset('bundles/fosjsrouting/js/router.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ path('fos_js_routing_js', {"callback": "fos.Router.setData"}) }}"></script>

Add rtValidation

Add this line in your layout:

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('bundles/nebumixrtvalidation/js/nebumix_r_t_validation.js') }}"></script>

Write javascript functions

This example supposed to have in the page a form with fields called nameField, nameField1 ... It will be explain better in the example.

To validate in real time a form field, you need to call a function to check your field. I use the .focusout function.

To validate a text field you need to add in your layout:

$(function() {  
	$('#nameForm_nameField').focusout(function() {
		check_field('nameValidation', 'nameForm_nameField');
	$('#nameForm_nameField1').focusout(function() {
		check_field('nameValidation', 'nameForm_nameField1');
	$('#nameForm_nameFieldN').focusout(function() {
		check_field('nameValidation', 'nameForm_nameFieldN');
	//if you have a radio or checkbox
	$('#nameForm_nameFieldN').onchange(function() {
		check_field_check('nameValidation', 'nameFieldToCheck');

You need to replace nameField with the field name you want to validate and nameForm with the form name (generally the id field is made using nameForm_nameField). You need to replace nameValidation with a name, it must to be different for each form. Is not necessary nameValidation is the real form name, it needs just to distinguish the form fields in the validation file.

Write validation rules in securityRT.yml:

    nebumix_rtvalidation.check.class: Nebumix\rtValidationBundle\Controller\CheckController
                message: Field is required.
                pattern: "/^\d+$/"
                message: insert an integer
                min: 3

You have to use the name you used as nameValidation in the javascript function followed by the name used as nameForm_nameField and by the validation rules, as you can see in the example.

Print errors

To print errors you can add in your layout:

<div id="nameForm_nameField_error"></div>
<div id="nameForm_nameField1_error"></div>
/ ...
<div id="nameForm_nameFieldN_error"></div>

The div id must to have the nameForm_nameField followed by _error. You have to write one for each field.

Send the form

Now you can validate your form in real time, but if you like stopping the form if the validation returns errors, add the javascript function in your layout:

$( document ).ready(function() {
	$( "#sendForm" ).click(function() {

		//list functions, each per field
		var c_nameField = check_field('nameValidation', 'nameForm_nameField');
		var c_nameField1 = check_field('nameValidation', 'nameForm_nameField1');
		var c_nameFieldN = check_field('nameValidation', 'nameForm_nameFieldN');
		//if you have a radio or checkbox
		var c_nameFieldToCheck = check_field_check('nameValidation', 'nameFieldToCheck');

		if( c_nameField == 1 && c_nameField1 == 1 )
			var form_data = $('#myForm').serialize();

        		url: Routing.generate('_your_route_to_save_form'),  
		        type: "POST",  
		        data:  form_data,
		        dataType: "html",
		        async : false,
		        success: function(msg) { 
				//if the function have no error return 1
		                if(msg == 1){
					check_field('nameValidation', 'nameForm_nameField');
					check_field('nameValidation', 'nameForm_nameField1');
					check_field('nameValidation', 'nameForm_nameFieldN');
		        error: function(){


This is just an example, you can write your own function.

Supported Constraints:

Basic Constraints

String Constraints

Number Constraints

Comparison Constraints

Date Constraints

Financial and other Number Constraints

