
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the mailchimp/mailchimp-marketing-php package instead.

Complete PHP Wrapper for MailChimp API v3.0.

1.0.4 2016-11-20 00:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-05-21 19:07:11 UTC


PHP wrapper for the MailChimp API v 3.0.


  • GuzzleHttp
  • PHP > 5.4

Project still in the works. More documentation to come


Using Composer: composer require nblakefriend/mailchimp-apiv3

Getting Started

When downloading from composer (recommended):

  1. In vendor/nblakefriend/mailchimp-apiv3/src create config.ini file with structure:
key1[api_keys] = "yourmcapikey-usx"
key1[active] = true

Multiple accounts can be configured in this config file.

key1[api_keys] = "yourmcapikey-usx"
key1[active] = true

key2[api_keys] = "yourmcapikey-usx"
key2[active] = false

Whichever key[active] is true will be used.

config.ini is excluded in the .gitignore file. Make sure this is not changed!

  1. Instantiate with $mc = new MailChimp\MailChimp;
  2. print_r($mc->getAccountInfo()); should return the MailChimp API Root call.

If downloading this repo directly:

  1. From your command line, navigate to the MailChimp folder and run composer update to download Dependencies.
  2. Add the package to your add require_once 'MailChimp/vendor/autoload.php' in your file.
  3. Instantiate with $mc = new MailChimp\MailChimp;
  4. print_r($mc->getAccountInfo()); should return the MailChimp API Root call.

Using the Wrapper

Each MailChimp collections (lists, campaigns, e-commerce etc.) is accessed using a method found at the bottom of the MailChimp.php file that instantiates the collection's class.

For example: Assuming your MailChimp instance is stored in the $mc variable



This would return the response from calling /lists http://developer.mailchimp.com/documentation/mailchimp/reference/lists/#read-get_lists


Adding a new store customer:

$mc->ecommerce()->customers()->addCustomer("STORE123", "CUST123", "freddie@freddiesjokes.com", true);

This would create a new customer to the store with id STORE123 with the customer id CUST123 and the email address freddie@freddiesjokes.com and an opt-in status of true which subscribes the customer to the list.

Collection Reference

  • authorizedApps()
  • automations()
  • batchOps()
  • campaignFolders()
  • campaigns()
  • conversations()
  • ecommerce()
    • ecommerce()->carts()
    • ecommerce()->customers()
    • ecommerce()->orders()
    • ecommerce()->products()
  • fileManager()
  • lists()
  • reports()
  • templateFolders()
  • templates()

See complete list of available methods for each class/collection here

Docs also able to be run locally from the docs/index.html