
Microsoft Graph wrapper and mail transport for Laravel.

1.1.4 2025-01-06 21:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 21:38:38 UTC


This laravel package contains a wrapper for Microsoft Graph with the following features:

  • Microsoft Graph API calls
  • Mail transport


  • Laravel 10 or higher (Use version 1.1.2 for Laravel 9)
  • PHP 8.2 or higher


To install and use this package follow instructions below:

Step 1: Install via composer

$ composer require natpnk/microsoft-graph-laravel

Step 2: Publish config

Run the following to publish the config

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Natpnk\MicrosoftGraphLaravel\MicrosoftGraphServiceProvider" --tag="config"

The config file will be published as follow:


return [
    | Microsoft Graph Laravel wrapper   
    'tenant_id' => env('MSGRAPH_TENANT_ID'),
    'client_id' => env('MSGRAPH_CLIENT_ID'),
    'client_secret' => env('MSGRAPH_CLIENT_SECRET')    

Step 3: Create app registration

To obtain the Tenant, ClientID and ClientSecret. Please follow this article to generate a app registration within Azure.

Step 4: Use Microsoft Graph as mail transport (Optional)

It is possible to use Microsoft Graph as an mail transport within Laravel. Add the following to config/mail.php inside your Laravel installation.

'microsoftgraph' => [
	'transport' => 'microsoft-graph',

Additional settings are not required due to settings inside config/microsoftgraph.php. Remember to use a from address which is a valid mailbox inside your tenant.

Step 5: Use Microsoft Graph as filesystem (Optional)

It is possible to use Microsoft Graph (OneDrive/ Sharepoint) as storage within Laravel. Add the following to config/filesystems.php inside your Laravel installation.

'disks' => [

    'microsoft-graph' => [
        'driver' => 'microsoft-graph',
        'drive_id' => 'YOUR DRIVE ID'

To obtain the Drive ID. You can use the Microsoft Graph Explorer to produce a GET request to the following:{SHAREPOINT_DOMAIN},{SITE_ID}/drives

You should also have set the Sites.ReadAll or Sites.ReadWriteAll permission based on your needs.


A basic example usage example get's all the users from a tentant:

use MicrosoftGraph;
    $Users = MicrosoftGraph::createRequest("GET", "/Users")->setReturnType(\Microsoft\Graph\Model\User::class)->execute();


for futher documentation about usage consult: Microsoft Graph API docs


Feel free contribute and send pull requests.