
PHP markdown converter

1.3.1 2017-04-02 22:42 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-16 03:35:26 UTC


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PHP Markdown Converter

  1. Headings
  2. Italics
  3. Bold
  4. Strike Through
  5. Links
  6. Images
  7. Lists
  8. Block Quotes
  9. Tables

Markdown is a PHP library for converting markdown to markup. It is a useful tool for creating documentation on a web page. For example, if your website contains a blog, wiki pages, any sort of editing from users you could allow them to style their documents using markdown.


# <h1>

## <h2>

### <h3>

#### <h4>

##### <h5>

## This is a Heading Two will produce the following markup <h2>This is a Heading Two</h2>



Wrap text in __ to make it italics

__this text is italic__ will produce the following markup <em>this text is italic</em>



Wrap text in ** to make it bold

**this text is bold** will produce the following markup <strong>this text is bold</strong>



Create links by inserting the link text in square brackets followed by the hyperlink in normal brackets


[Google]( will product the following markup <a href="" target="_blank">Google</a>


![Alt Text](link to image)

Create images by inserting the alternate text in square brackets followed by the link to the image in normal brackets

Git Logo

![Git Logo]( will produce the following markup <img src="" alt="Git Logo" />


Create inline code elements by surrounding elements in ```var x;```;

```var x;```

produces the following markup

<code>var x;</code>

if you need to span multiple lines use 4 back-ticks instead of three, and make sure to have one line break inside the back-ticks


Unordered Lists

 - item one
 - item two
 - item three

will product the following markup

    <li>item one</li>
    <li>item two</li>
    <li>item three</li>

Ordered Lists

 1. item one
 2. item two
 3. item three

will product the following markup

    <li>item one</li>
    <li>item two</li>
    <li>item three</li>

Block Quotes

> this is a block quote

will product the following markup

<blockquote> this is a block quote</blockquote>


Tables can now be created by using the bar character. Use the | character to outline your table and it's columns

|Heading One|Heading Two|Heading Three|

produces a HTML table like:

<table border="border">
        <th>heading one</th>
        <th>heading two</th>
        <th>heading three</th>
            <td>row3Col1</td><td>row3 col2</td><td>row3Col3</td>