
1.2 2018-02-05 12:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-03 10:07:32 UTC


Add the nassau.registry tag to a service and it will receive a collection of other services tagged with the name you chose. Similar to the event dispatcher, cache warmers, twig extensions, etc.

If you ever created a CompilerPass and used $containerBuilder->findTaggedServiceIds() inside you could probably replace it with nassau/registry-compiler.


composer require nassau/registry-compiler

Add the compiler pass to one of your bundles. Since it may be used in some of your dependencies, the recommended way is to use the register method of the Pass to ensure only one instance is registered.

# somewhere inside AcmeBundle.php

	public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
		(new RegistryCompilerPass)->register($container);


        class: FooBaringManager
            # This is the starting point for the lib:

              name: nassau.registry

            # Collect all services tagged with this value:
            # This is a required attribute

               tag: foobaring.provider

            # Every tagged service will be passed to this method. It’s signature needs to be:
            # `public function addFooBarProvider($index, $foobar)`
            # This is an optional attribute, defaults to "set", as per symfonys conventions
            # Setting this to null/empty value will automatically enable the `use_collection`
            # option below.

              method: addFooBarProvider

            # Instead of having each tagged service passed to your setter, you may choose to
            # get an iterator with all the objects in one call. This will be an `ArrayObject`
            # and your signature needs to be
            # `public function addFooBarProviders(\ArrayObject $items)`

              use_collection: false

            # You may decide to use a constructor injection instead of a setter when using the
            # above option. In this case set the method to null, so the compiler won’t add any
            # `calls` to your service definition. Instead, setup your dependency yourself:
            # foo:
            #   arguments: [ @foo.providers ]
            #   tags:
            #     - { name: nassau.registry, use_collection: providers, method: ~ }

              use_collection: collection

            # Choose an order in which the services will be provided
            #   natural (default): just the way the container returns them
            #   priority: define a priority field to control the order (high to low)
            #   indexed: don’t order them, you’ll be using a key => value anyway

              order: indexed

            # If you choose the 'priority' order, you may override the name of the
            # attribute used to determine the items priority. You may also set the default
            # value if the field isn’t set on an item.
            # Default: priority

              priority_field: weight
              default_priority: 1024

            # If you choose the 'indexed' order, you may override the name of the
            # attribute used to determine the items key. This attribute is required
            # to be present on the related service tag.
            # Default: alias

              alias_field: foobar_name

            # And finally, you’d probably like to restrict services to be of
            # certain class or implementing an interface:

              class: FooBaringInterface

        class: CachedFooBaring
        public: false
            # First match the registrys tag name:

              name: foobaring.provider

            # Then provide any details needed. In this case, the name is required since
            # the order is set to "indexed". The "alias" attribute was set to "foobar_name"

              foobar_name: cache

            # This will result in calling method `addFooBarProvider` on `foobar.manager`
            # service with parameters: "cache" and `foobar.provider.cache` instance.


Given an interface:

interface FooBarInterface {
    public function makeFooBar($input);

You may need to split the implementation across multiple classes. Maybe it’s something like a monolog processor — each one does it’s thing and moves on. To simplify the usage, you create a chain implementation so the classes using FooBarInterface knows nothing about the details:

class ChainFooBar implements FooBarInterface {

    /** @var FooBarInterface[] **/
    private $collection = [];

    public function addFooBar($name, FooBarInterface $fooBar) {
        $this->collection[$name] = $fooBar;

    public function makeFooBar($input) {
        foreach ($this->collection as $fooBar) {

So far so good. So now you just need to wire every implementations together using the container. As long as you have a fixed number of implementations you may just use calls:

    class: ChainFooBar
      - ['addFooBar', [ 'alpha', '@foo_bar.alpha' ] ]
      - ['addFooBar', [ 'bravo', '@foo_bar.bravo' ] ]

But this gets messy and there is no easy way to add more implementations, especially if you’re only making a library / architecture and it’s up to the developer to make the implementations.

This is where nassau.registry comes into play. Instead of manually connecting the implementations to the chain, you register a tag, so any service can hook itself up:

    class: ChainFooBar
      - name: nassau.registry
        tag: foo_bar
        method: addFooBar
        order: indexed
        class: FooBarInterface

    class: FooBarAlpha
      - name: foo_bar
        alias: alpha