
1.1 2018-02-06 11:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 20:39:23 UTC



Just composer require nassau/kunstmaan-node-settings-bundle and add \Nassau\KunstmaanNodeSettingsBundle\NodeSettingsBundle to your AppKernel file.


  1. Create an Entity to hold your settings (it’s best if it has relation to a NodeTranslation, but it’s up to you) and a FormType for it
  2. Create a SettingsHandler. To do this implement the \Nassau\KunstmaanNodeSettingsBundle\Services\NodeSettingsHandlerInterface interface and register that service in the container with a nassau.node_settings tag
  3. Your form type will automatically show up when editing the node, and the entity will be persisted on save. Et voilà!

Kitchen sink

The whole aim of this bundle is to be simple. So instead of creating everything from scratch, let’s use some existing boilerplate.


Use this class as a base for your entity so you’d have a nodeTranslation association defined out of the box.


Extend this class to have a simpler handler. It will use defaults for most of the values and only require you to set:

  • The name of the entity class for your settings
  • The name of the form type class
  • And the name of the handler itself

The settings node will be automatically fetched and saved based on the current NodeTranslation.


Ok, so you still don’t get it and need a TL;DR or an example? Look at the examples