nasimtelecom / simotel-php-connect
Keep connected with simotel in php
This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.
- ext-json: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: >=7.2
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.0
Simotel and Laravel
if you want to connect to simotel with laravel please visit our laravel package: nasimtelecom/simotel-laravel-connect
Keep connected with Simotel by PHP. Simotel is a wonderful call center software with huge abilities. visit Simotel documents here:
With this package you can easly connect to simotel server by php and do somethings amazing.
Use composer to install and autoload the package:
composer require nasimtelecom/simotel-php-connect
Simotel Api
Simotel Api helps you to connect to simotel server and manage simotel users, queues, trunks, announcements, get reports, send faxes and more.
Connect to Simotel Api
require("vendor/autoload.php"); $config = Simotel::getDefaultConfig(); $config["simotelApi"]= [ 'api_auth' => 'both', // simotel api authentication: basic,token,both 'api_user' => 'apiUser', 'api_pass' => 'apiPass', 'api_token' => 'apiToken', 'server_address' => 'http://simotelServer/api/v4', ], $simotel = new \NasimTelecom\Simotel\Simotel($config); // The data will be sent to Simotel server as request body $data = [ "alike"=>false, "conditions"=>["name"=>"200"], ]; try{ // Sending request to simotel server $res = $simotel->connect("pbx/users/search",$data); } catch(\Exception $e){ die($e->getMessage()); } // Determines whether the transaction was successful or not // In other words if the response status code is // between 200~299 then isOk() will return true if(!$res->isOk()) die("There is a problem"); // Or you can get response status code $statusCode = $res->getStatusCode(); // Simotel will return a json response, // to cast it to array use toArray() method // it will be an array like this: // [ // "success" => true/false, // "message" => "Simotel Error Message" // "data" => [response data array] // ] // success: determine wether transaction by simotel is ok or not // message: this is simotel response message // that tell us why transactoion did not completed $res->toArray(); // Simotel Success is true or false if(!$res->isSuccess()) // Get Simotel message if isSuccess()==false die($res->getMessage()); // Get Simotel response data array $users = $res->getData();
Simotel Event Api
1. Create listeners for events
$simotel = new Simotel(); $simotel->eventApi()->addListener('Cdr', function ($simotelApiData) { // codes to store Cdr $simotelApiData or something else });
2. Dispatch events after receive request from simotel event api on your api endpoint
use \NasimTelecom\Simotel\Simotel; $simotelEventApiData = $_POST["api_data"]; $eventName = $_POST["api_data"]["event_name"]; $simotel = new Simotel(); $simotel->eventApi()->dispatch($eventName,$simotelEventApiData);
It is possible to put your api endpoint address on Simotel Api Setting
Simotel Smart Api
We recommend you to study Simotel SmartApi documents first.
1. create smartApp classes and methods that called by smart api apps
use NasimTelecom\Simotel\SmartApi\Commands; class PlayWelcomeMessage { use Commands; public function playAnnounceApp($appData) { $this->cmdPlayAnnouncement("announcement file name"); return $this->okResponse(); // return: {'ok':1,'commands':'PlayAnnouncement('announcement file name')'} } } class RestOfApps { use SmartApiCommands; public function sayClock($appData) { $this->cmdSayClock("14:00"); return $this->okResponse(); // return: {'ok':1,'commands':'SayClock("14:00")'} } public function interactiveApp($appData) { if($appData["data"]=="1") return $this->okResponse(); // return: {'ok':1} if($appData["data"]=="2") return $this->errorResponse(); // return: {'ok':0} } }
Don't forget to
NasimTelecom\Simotel\SmartApi\Commands trait in your class.
- handle received request from simotel smart api
$config = Simotel::getDefaultConfig(); $config["smartApi"]["apps"] = [ 'playWelcomeMessage' => PlayWelcomeMessage::class, '*' => RestOfApps::class, ]; // place this codes where you want grab income requests // from simotel smartApi calls $simotel = new Simotel($config); $appData = $_POST["app_data"]; $jsonResponse = $simotel->smartApi($appData)->toJson(); header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); echo $jsonResponse; /* if app_name='playAnnounceApp' jsonResponse = {'ok':1,'commands':'PlayAnnouncement('announcement file name')'} if app_name='sayClock' jsonResponse = {'ok':1,'commands':'SayClock("14:00")'} if app_name='interactiveApp' if data=1 jsonResponse = {'ok':1} if data=2 jsonResponse = {'ok':0} */
there are is commands you can use in your SmartApps classes:
cmdPlayAnnouncement($announceFilename); cmdPlayback($announceFilename); cmdExit($exit); cmdGetData($announceFilename, $timeout, $digitsCount); cmdSayDigit($number); cmdSayNumber($number); cmdSayClock($clock); cmdSayDate($date,$calender); cmdSayDuration($duration); cmdSetExten($exten, $clearUserData = true); cmdSetLimitOnCall($seconds); cmdClearUserData(); cmdMusicOnHold();