
SparkPostEmail plugin for CakePHP

dev-master 2016-10-20 13:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 04:06:42 UTC


Build Status Software License

This plugin provides email delivery using SparkPost.


This plugin has the following requirements:

  • CakePHP 3.0.0 or greater.
  • PHP 5.4.16 or greater.


You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.

composer require narendravaghela/cakephp-sparkpost

After installation, Load the plugin


Or, you can load the plugin using the shell command

$ bin/cake plugin load SparkPostEmail


Set your SparkPost credentials in EmailTransport settings in app.php

'EmailTransport' => [
  'sparkpost' => [
      'className' => 'SparkPostEmail.SparkPost',
      'apiKey' => '123456789123456789' // your api key

And create new delivery profile for sparkpost in Email settings.

'Email' => [
    'default' => [
        'transport' => 'default',
        'from' => 'you@localhost',
        //'charset' => 'utf-8',
        //'headerCharset' => 'utf-8',
    'sparkpost' => [
        'transport' => 'sparkpost'


You can now simply use the CakePHP Email to send an email via SparkPost.

$email = new Email('sparkpost');
$result = $email->from(['' => 'Example Site'])
  ->subject('Welcome to CakePHP')
  ->viewVars(['foo' => 'Bar'])
      'cake_icon1.png' => Configure::read('App.imageBaseUrl') . 'cake.icon.png',
      'cake_icon2.png' => ['file' => Configure::read('App.imageBaseUrl') . 'cake.icon.png'],
      WWW_ROOT . 'favicon.ico'
  ->send('Your email content here');

You can also set custom headers using ch: prefix.

$email = new Email('sparkpost');
$result = $email->from(['' => 'Example Site'])
  ->addHeaders(['ch:My-Custom-Header' => 'Awesome header string'])
  ->addHeaders(['ch:Another-Custom-Header' => 'Awesome header string'])
      'cake_icon1.png' => Configure::read('App.imageBaseUrl') . 'cake.icon.png',
      'cake_icon2.png' => ['file' => Configure::read('App.imageBaseUrl') . 'cake.icon.png'],
      WWW_ROOT . 'favicon.ico'
  ->send('Your email content here');

You can set other custom parameters which SparkPost supports using co: prefix.

$email = new Email('sparkpost');
$result = $email->from(['' => 'Example Site'])
  ->addHeaders(['ch:My-Custom-Header' => 'Awesome header string'])
  ->addHeaders(['co:open_tracking' => true])
  ->addHeaders(['co:click_tracking' => true])
  ->addHeaders(['co:transactional' => true])
  ->addHeaders(['co:metadata' => ['meta1' => 'value1', 'meta2' => 'value2']])
  ->send('Your email content here');

That is it.

Reporting Issues

If you have a problem with this plugin or any bug, please open an issue on GitHub.