
Azure Virtual Machines REST API PHP library

0.0.4 2019-03-29 07:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:09:22 UTC


Based on

Create an Azure Active Directory (AAD) Application

AAD encourages the use of Applications / Service Principals for authenticating applications. An application / service principal combination provides a service identity to manage your Azure Subscription. Click here to learn about AAD applications and service principals.

  • Install the Azure CLI
  • run az login to log into Azure
  • run az ad sp create-for-rbac to create an Azure Active Directory Application with access to Azure Resource Manager for the current Azure Subscription
    • If you want to run this for a different Azure Subscription, run az account set --subscription 'your subscription name'
  • run az account list --query "[?isDefault].id" -o tsv to get your Azure Subscription Id.

The output of az ad sp create-for-rbac should look like the following:

  "displayName": "some-display-name",
  "name": "http://azure-cli-2017-04-03-15-30-52",

The values tenant, appId and password are used in the Client constructor.

Example Usage

        use Azure\Entity\VirtualMachine;
        use Azure\AzureVMClient;
        use Azure\Profile\StorageProfile;
        $resourceGroupName = 'new-resource-group';
        $client->createResourceGroup($resourceGroupName, $region, $tag);
        // Create new machine
        $name = 'new_vm';
        $region = 'westeurope';
        $machine = new VirtualMachine( $name, $region );
        $machine->setResourceGroup( $resourceGroupName );
        // Add or change Profiles..
        $storage = new StorageProfile();
        $machine->setStorageProfile( $storage );
        // Create client with instant authentication.
        $client = new AzureVMClient(
        // Create client and authenticate LATER.
        $client = new AzureVMClient(
        // Do some other stuff.
        $client->authenticate($tenant, $applicationId, $password);
        // Create a VM.
        $client->createVM( $machine );
        // Delete afterwards.
        $client->deleteResourceGroup( $resourceGroupName );