
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.9) of this package.

1.0.9 2021-02-18 13:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 08:39:21 UTC


This package adds content marketing tracking and A/B tests to your app. The package tries to find a balance between privacy and useful data. All users will be anonymized, so by default there is no way to trace back a user.

Every user receives a random string which is stored in a cookie to identify them on the following visits.


composer require nanuc/laravel-track

Publish config (optional)

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nanuc\LaravelTrack\LaravelTrackServiceProvider" --tag=config

You can configure a separate database connection.

Run migrations

Run php artisan migrate to create the necessary tables.



Just add the middleware track to the routes you want to track.


The package tracks the utm_campaign and utm_source query parameters. Nothing you need to do here.


Set reached goals with Tracker::goal('goalName');. You don't need to define the goals - they will be created on the first use.

If the route where you attach a goal is not tracked (e.g. in Livewire routes) the goal will be attached to the last known page view for this visitor.

Goals in views

You can set goals in views too. They will be reached when the place where the component was placed gets visible in the view port. This can be used e.g. to measure if an A/B tested heroshot gets scrolls further down the page.

Just use <track::goal goal="goalName" /> in your blade view. For this to work you need to have a stack scripts in your layout - the name can be configured (laravel-track.goals.component.stack-name).

Page name

As Laravel Livewire uses the same routes for different actions it might be useful to give a page a name. You can do this with Tracker::page('pageName');.

A/B tests

Use the following syntax in your blade views:

@ab('logo', 'blue')
    <img src="logo-blue"/>
@ab('logo', 'green')
    <img src="logo-green"/>
@ab('logo', 'red')
    <img src="logo-red"/>

You don't need to define the A/B tests' name and options - they will be created on the first use. Options will be rotated on each visit.


This package offers a module for LaravelAdmin. To use it make sure to install LaravelAdmin first. Afterwards add \Nanuc\LaravelTrack\LaravelAdmin\LaravelAdmin::class to config/laravel-admin:

'modules' => [