
Proxy utilities (i.e. caching proxy)

0.2 2014-07-18 23:11 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-21 01:40:17 UTC


This library provides proxy classes with easily extendable behavior. Library includes ready for use caching proxy and lazy instantiation proxy.

Requirements and dependencies

This library has no external dependencies, if installed with --no-dev option. Caching behavior memcache backend requires php memcache module to be enabled.


php composer.phar require mz/php-proxy

Basic usage

In-memory cache proxy

use MZ\Proxy\Shortcuts;

// object proxy
$object = new MyComplexClass();
$proxy = Shortcuts\wrapWithMemoryProxy($object, 5); // 5 seconds timeout (default = 0 - infinite)
$proxy->foo();  // executes foo, stores result in cache
$proxy->foo();  // returns cached result, real foo method is not executed
$proxy->bar();  // works here too
$property = $proxy->my_property  // exactly as $object->my_property
$proxy->my_property = 123; // exactly as $object->my_property = 123

// set cached methods
$proxy->proxySetMethods(array('foo', 'bar'));
$proxy->foo();  // cached
$proxy->bar();  // cached
$proxy->baz();  // not cached

$proxy->proxySetMethods(null); // all methods cached fro this point (default)

$callable = function() {
    // some time intensive code...
$proxy = Shortcuts\wrapWithMemoryProxy($callable);
$result = $proxy();  // executes function
$result = $proxy();  // returns cached result

Cache proxy with memcache

use MZ\Proxy\Shortcuts;

$object = new MyComplexClass();

$memcache = new \Memcache();
$memcache->addServer('localhost', 11211);

$proxy = Shortcuts\wrapWithMemcacheProxy(

$result = $proxy->foo();  // executes foo
$result = $proxy->foo();  // returns cached result, real foo method is not executed


class diagram

Extending proxy behavior



Proxies do not implement subjects interface.
