
Symfony validator constraints using beberlei/assert

2.02 2022-12-01 14:12 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:14:47 UTC


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This is a simple bridge for using beberlei/assert assertions as constraints for the Symfony Validator component.


Using Composer:

composer require myschoolmanagement/assert-constraint


If you are using your own Assertion class or your own Exception class then you must configure these by setting AssertionConstraint\AssertionValidator::$assertClass and AssertionConstraint\AssertionValidator::$assertExceptionClass. These are both static properties.

Generating new constraints

There is a helper for generating the constraint classes in bin. This is also copied to vendor/bin.


Usage: generate-constraints.php <path-to-class-file> <fqdn class> <output-namespace> <directory-to-output-classes>

Example Usage:

php vendor/bin/generate-constraints.php vendor/beberlei/assert/lib/Assert/Assertion.php Assert\\Assertion MyBundle\\Constraint src/MyBundle/Constraint

This will detect all the assertions on the Assert\Assertion class and output constraint files in src/MyBundle/Constraint in the MyBundle\Constraint namespace.

The generator will give best effort to detect the assertion parameters and add those to the constraint class so they can be configured through the annotation.