
This bundle for Akeneo PIM gives you the possibility to connect your akeneo environment with other systems.

dev-master 2018-10-21 12:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 01:43:44 UTC


MyIntegrations for Akeneo PIM >= 2.0

With this connector you can connect your data with all your other platforms.


MyIntegrationsConnectorBundleAkeneo PIM Community Edition
v1.0. | v2.

Connector installation on Akeneo PIM

If it's not already done, install Akeneo PIM.

Get composer (with command line):

$ cd /my/pim/installation/dir
$ curl -sS | php

Then, install the module with composer:

In your `composer.json`, add the following code dependending on your Akeneo PIM version:

  • In require:
    "myintegrations/akeneo-connector-bundle": "^1.0"

Next, enter the following command line:

$php composer.phar require myintegrations/akeneo-connector-bundle

Enable the bundle in `app/AppKernel.phpfile, in theregisterBundlesfunction, before the linereturn $bundles`:

$bundles[] = new MyIntegrations\Bundle\ConnectorBundle\MyIntegrationsConnectorBundle();

Add the route in `app/routing.yml`file, under the _pim_referencedata node:

    prefix: /myintegrations
    resource: "@MyIntegrationsConnectorBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"