
Magento 2 Shipment Base

Installs: 13 386

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Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 10

Forks: 4

Open Issues: 2


2.4.3 2022-08-30 14:07 UTC


Magento 2 Shipment Base

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Installation with composer

  • Include the repository: composer require mygento/module-shipment


Every extension should have three classes:

  • Client inherits \Mygento\Shipment\Model\AbstractClient

    Class is used for communication with API. Exchanges with others through Service.

  • Carrier inherits \Mygento\Shipment\Model\AbstractCarrier

    Class is used to work with Magento Shipping Rates

  • Service inherits \Mygento\Shipment\Model\AbstractService

    Class is responsible for working with Magento and DB


The module is tested on magento version 2.4.x