
My-CoolPay official SDK for PHP

v1.0.3 2022-12-07 11:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-07 15:24:11 UTC


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My-CoolPay official SDK for PHP


This PHP package let you easily integrate My-CoolPay Payment API to your application or your website. Before you start using this package, it's highly recommended to check resources below depending on your use case.

Table of contents

1. Requirements

This package requires: Required PHP version Extension CURL Extension JSON

2. Installation

2.1. Install Composer package

First of all, install Composer package from your CMD or your Terminal.

$ composer require mycoolpay/php-sdk

2.2. Initialize SDK object

Now you need to initialize the SDK object with your API keys.


require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

use MyCoolPay\Logging\Logger;
use MyCoolPay\MyCoolPayClient;

define("MCP_PUBLIC_KEY", "<Add your public key here>"); // Your API public key
define("MCP_PRIVATE_KEY", "<Add your private key here>"); // Your API private key

$logger = new Logger('app.log', __DIR__);
$mycoolpay = new MyCoolPayClient(MCP_PUBLIC_KEY, MCP_PRIVATE_KEY, $logger, true);


  • It is better for you to save your keys outside the source code, in places like environment variables and just load them from source code
  • Logger object is optional, it is used for debug purposes. To know more about My-CoolPay Logger class see My-CoolPay PHP Logger
  • Both Logger and MyCoolPayClient objects don't need to be instantiated every time you need them, just instantiate them once (either at application startup or at first use) then share the instances within whole app with patterns such as Singleton or Dependency Injection

Logger constructor parameters:

See My-CoolPay PHP Logger

MyCoolPayClient constructor parameters:

MyCoolPayClient($public_key, $private_key, $logger = null, $debug = false)
Parameter Type Default Description
$public_key string Your API public key
$private_key string Your API private key
$logger ?LoggerInterface null Logger object
$debug boolean false true enables debug mode

3. Interact with API

3.1. Paylink


use Exception;

try {
    $response = $mycoolpay->paylink([
        "transaction_amount" => 100,
        "transaction_currency" => "XAF",
        "transaction_reason" => "Bic pen",
        "app_transaction_ref" => "order_123",
        "customer_phone_number" => "699009900",
        "customer_name" => "Bob MARLEY",
        "customer_email" => "",
        "customer_lang" => "en",
    $transaction_ref = $response->get("transaction_ref"); // You can store this reference to order in your database
    $payment_url = $response->get("payment_url"); // Redirect customer to this url

} catch (Exception $exception) {

Method description:

paylink(array $data): MyCoolPay\Http\Response

Data description:

For full $data description check Paylink section in API Docs

3.2. Payin


use Exception;

try {
    $response = $mycoolpay->payin([
        "transaction_amount" => 100,
        "transaction_currency" => "XAF",
        "transaction_reason" => "Bic pen",
        "app_transaction_ref" => "order_123",
        "customer_phone_number" => "699009900",
        "customer_name" => "Bob MARLEY",
        "customer_email" => "",
        "customer_lang" => "en",
    $transaction_ref = $response->get("transaction_ref"); // You can store this reference to order in your database
    $action = $response->get("action"); // This tells you what to do next
    if ($action === "REQUIRE_OTP") {
        // Ask your user to provide OTP received by SMS
        // Then perform OTP request (see next section)
    } elseif ($action === "PENDING") {
        $ussd = $response->get("ussd"); // Tell user to dial this USSD code on his phone
    } else {
        throw new Exception("Unknown action '$action' in Payin response");

} catch (Exception $exception) {

Method description:

payin(array $data): MyCoolPay\Http\Response

Data description:

For full $data description check Payin section in API Docs

3.3. OTP


use Exception;

try {
    $response = $mycoolpay->authorizePayin([
        "transaction_ref" => "f4fd89ea-e647-462c-9489-afc0aeb90d5f",
        "code" => "123456",
    $action = $response->get("action"); // This tells you what to do next
    if ($action === "PENDING") {
        $ussd = $response->get("ussd"); // Tell user to dial this USSD code on his phone
    } else {
        throw new Exception("Unknown action '$action' in OTP response");

} catch (Exception $exception) {

Method description:

authorizePayin(array $data): MyCoolPay\Http\Response

Data description:

For full $data description check OTP section in API Docs

3.4. Payout


use Exception;
use MyCoolPay\Http\Http;

try {
    $response = $mycoolpay->payout([
        "transaction_amount" => 500,
        "transaction_currency" => "XAF",
        "transaction_reason" => "Customer refund",
        "transaction_operator" => "CM_OM",
        "app_transaction_ref" => "refund_123",
        "customer_phone_number" => "699009900",
        "customer_name" => "Bob MARLEY",
        "customer_email" => "",
        "customer_lang" => "en",
    $transaction_ref = $response->get("transaction_ref"); // You can store this reference to payout in your database
    $status_code = $response->getStatusCode(); // HTTP status code
    $message = $response->getMessage();
    if ($status_code === Http::OK) {
        // Successful payout
    } elseif ($status_code === Http::ACCEPTED) {
        // Payout is pending in background
    } else {
        throw new Exception($message, $status_code);

} catch (Exception $exception) {

Method description:

payout(array $data): MyCoolPay\Http\Response

Data description:

For full $data description check Payout section in API Docs

3.5. Check status


use Exception;

try {
    $response = $mycoolpay->checkStatus("f4fd89ea-e647-462c-9489-afc0aeb90d5f");
    $status = $response->get("transaction_status");
    // Do whatever you need with $status
    // Possible values are PENDING, SUCCESS, CANCELED and FAILED

} catch (Exception $exception) {

Method description:

checkStatus(string $transaction_ref): MyCoolPay\Http\Response

More information:

For more information check Status section in API Docs

3.6. Get balance


use Exception;

try {
    $response = $mycoolpay->getBalance();
    $balance = $response->get("balance");
    // Do whatever you need with $balance

} catch (Exception $exception) {

Method description:

getBalance(): MyCoolPay\Http\Response

More information:

For more information check Balance section in API Docs

4. Security helpers

4.1. IP verification


use Exception;

try {
    // Adapt this to the framework you are using to get requester IP address
    $remote_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    if ($mycoolpay->isVerifiedIp($remote_ip)) {    
        // Process callback

} catch (Exception $exception) {

Method description:

isVerifiedIp(string $ip): true

More information:

For more information check Security section in API Docs

4.2. Callback request integrity


use Exception;

try {
    // Adapt this to the framework you are using to get REST JSON data
    $callback_data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
    if ($mycoolpay->checkCallbackIntegrity($callback_data)) {    
        // Process callback

} catch (Exception $exception) {

Method description:

checkCallbackIntegrity(string $callback_data): true

More information:

For more information check Security section in API Docs

More assistance

ℹ️ If you need further information or assistance, our teams are available at You can also get help from the developer community 💬
