
Laravel job tools

v1.7.0 2025-02-25 11:37 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-25 11:40:00 UTC


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Laravel job tools:

  • dispatch job from command line with parameters to queue or run synchronously;
  • Job base class with boilerplate.


$ composer require mxl/laravel-job

Laravel 5.5+ will use the auto-discovery feature to add MichaelLedin\LaravelJob\LaravelJobServiceProvider::class to providers.

This package is not compatible with older Laravel versions.


Dispatching job from command line to the queue

Make sure that you either use sync connection (see default property in config/queue.php) or run queue worker:

$ php artisan queue:work

Then dispatch command with:

$ php artisan job:dispatch YourJob

if YourJob class is located under \App\Jobs or specify full class name with namespace:

$ php artisan job:dispatch '\Path\To\YourJob'

Running jobs immediately

If you want to run job right now without posting it to queue use job:dispatchNow command:

$ php artisan job:dispatchNow YourJob

Dispatching jobs with parameters

$ php artisan job:dispatch YourJob John 1990-01-01

John and 1990-01-01 values will be passed to YourJob constructor as $name and $birthDate arguments:

class YourJob implements ShouldQueue
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;

    __constructor($name, $birthDate)
       // ...

   public function handle()
       // ...

Using job with parameters from command line and PHP code

Often a job is already in use somewhere from PHP code and if it has constructor arguments that must have specific type, then it can be required to parse command line parameters.

For this purpose implement FromParameters interface:

use MichaelLedin\LaravelJob\FromParameters;
use Carbon\Carbon;

class YourJob implements ShouldQueue, FromParameters
    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
    __constructor(string $name, Carbon $birthDate)
        // ...
    public function handle()
        // ...

    public static function fromParameters(...$parameters)
        return new self($parameters[0], Carbon::parse($parameters[1]));

Job boilerplate

Job classes always use the same interface ShouldQueue and Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels traits.

To avoid such boilerplate your jobs can extend MichaelLedin\LaravelJob\Job class:

use MichaelLedin\LaravelJob\Job;
use Carbon\Carbon;

class YourJob extends Job
    // ...

It also includes default FromParameters interface implementation that is equivalent to calling constructor with arguments provided by command line parameters without any parsing.
To add parsing override fromParameters method.


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See the LICENSE file for details.