
Exotel Call and SMS API client library

1.1.0 2016-04-13 17:34 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-13 16:34:46 UTC


Exotel PHP client library for use with Composer package dependency manager


The package can be installed by running a simple require command from your project's root or by manually adding it to your composer.json file

composer require mvkaran/exotel


Before making any calls / sms through the library, you need to initialize the client with your Sid and Token. You can get these from the API menu under Settings in your Exotel account.

use MVKaran\Exotel\Client;

$sid = "rajnikanth"; //Use your Sid here
$token = "asd7dfg87dfg8dsugf8s9df7s89f7s89df7df"; //Use your token here

$client = new Client($sid, $token);

Connect Two Numbers

This is the feature which implements number masking. First, the number in from is dialled. Once they receive, the number in to is dialled and connected. Both the parties see the number which is mentioned in caller_id (which needs to be one of your Exophones in your account)

$result = $client->call_number([
	'from' => '0987654321', 
	'to' => '09879879876', 
	'caller_id' => '08088919888', //One of your Exophones,

	'time_limit' => '', //Optional. Can be ignored from the array itself
	'time_out' => '', //Optional. Can be ignored from the array itself
	'status_callback' => '', //Optional. Can be ignored from the array itself

The $result will be an associative array with keys mentioned in Call

Connect Call to Flow or App

With this feature, you can first make an outbound call to a customer (to) and when they receive, connect the call to a Flow / App in your Exotel account (with App ID app_id)

$result = $client->call_flow([
	'to' => '09879879876', 
	'app_id' => '1234',
	'caller_id' => '08088919888', //One of your Exophones,

	'time_limit' => '', //Optional. Can be ignored from the array itself
	'time_out' => '', //Optional. Can be ignored from the array itself
	'status_callback' => '', //Optional. Can be ignored from the array itself
	'custom_field' => '', //Optional. Can be ignored from the array itself

The $result will be an associative array with keys mentioned in Call

Get Details of a Call

You can get the details of a call using the Sid of the Call that you received in response when a Call was initiated.

$result = $client->call_details($call_sid);

The $result will be an associative array with keys mentioned in Call

Send a SMS

$result = $client->send_sms([
	'from' => '08088919888', //One of your Exophones,
	'to' => '09879879876', 
	'body' => 'Hey there! Explore Exotel!', 

	'priority' => 'normal', //Optional. Can be ignored from the array itself
	'status_callback' => '', //Optional. Can be ignored from the array itself

The $result will be an associative array with keys mentioned in SMSMessage

Get Details of a SMS

You can get the details of a SMS using the Sid of the SMS that you received in response when a SMS was sent.

$result = $client->sms_details($sms_sid);

The $result will be an associative array with keys mentioned in SMSMessage


The library raises a few exceptions when errors occur. You can catch these exceptions in your application and handle them.

ExotelException\InsufficientParametersException Occurs when any of the above library methods have not been passed with the mandatory fields.

ExotelException\RateLimitExceededException Occurs when the API rate limits (default of 200 per minute for all APIs) exceeded for your account. When this exception occurs, retry with your request after some time.

ExotelException Any other exception that is thrown by the API

##Reference The following section lists the keys in the Call and SMSMessage array that is returned for call and sms methods respectively


Key Description
Sid The unique identifier for this call
ParentCallSid Unused
DateCreated Time of creation of this resource in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format.
DateUpdated Time of last update of this resource in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format.
AccountSid The SID of the account on whose behalf this call was made.
To Phone number
From Phone number
PhoneNumberSid Exophone that was used to make the call.
Status Status of the call
StartTime Start time of call in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format. (UTC +5:30)
EndTime End time of call in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format. (UTC +5:30)
Duration Duration of the call in seconds.
Price Price of the call in Indian Rupees. (INR)
Direction Indicates the direction of the call.
AnsweredBy N/A
ForwardedFrom N/A
CallerName N/A
RecordingUrl URL where the call recording is stored.
Uri The URI for this resource, relative to the base URL.
CallType Type of call


Key Description
Sid Unique identifier of the resource
DateCreated Time of creation of this resource in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format. (UTC +5:30)
DateUpdated Time of last update of this resource in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format. (UTC +5:30)
DateSent Time when SMS was sent in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format. (UTC +5:30)
AccountSid SID of the account from which the SMS was sent
To The number to which the SMS was sent
From The Exophone or SMS ID from which the SMS was sent
Body URL-encoded string of the SMS body
Status Status of SMS
Direction Direction of the SMS
Price Price of the SMS in Indian Rupees (INR)
ApiVersion API version used to serve this resource
Uri The URI for this resource, relative to the base URL.

More Information

For more information regarding terminologies or applets, please check out the official API documentations at


If you come across any errors / exceptions while using this library which is not mentioned here, please create an issue on GitHub or report them to us at


Feel free to contribute to this library by forking it. Pull requests are encouraged!

Change Log

Version Changes
1.0.0 Initial release
1.1.0 Methods return an associative array instead of a JSON string