
Translate messages in the control panel


This plugins adds a control panel interface for your clients to edit your static translations for each language side by side.



  • Add, edit or delete translations in the Control Panel with each language side by side.

  • Choose a category, filter by missing translations, search by keywords and sort by key/date.

  • Export all or a subset of your translations to a CSV file and import it back after translators worked on it.

  • Translations will be kept inside your database instead of PHP files for a better workflow.

  • Optionally, missing translations are automatically added to the database when a page is visited.

  • Ability to parse your twig templates or migrate from your existing PHP translations (and export it back to PHP files).

  • GraphQL support to query your translations.


This plugin requires Craft CMS 4.0.0 or later.


Install the plugin via the Plugin Store or by command line:

composer require mutation/translate
php craft install/plugin translations-admin

You can now edit your translations in the control panel /admin/translations-admin.


You have special permissions for the Translations admin plugin:

  • Save translations
  • Add translations
  • Delete translations
  • Update translations
  • Export translations
  • Import translations
  • Use translations utilities
  • Change translations settings


You can either go the settings page or create a file translations-admin.php in your config directory.

  • Plugin Name: How the plugin should be named in the CP
  • Categories: Choose the source message categories you want to have in your database and control panel.
  • Add missing translations: Controls whether missing translations are automatically added to the database when a page is visited.
  • Add missing translations for site request only: Controls whether missing translations are only added when the request is from the site.
  • Excluded Messages: Messages that should not be added to the database, identified by the start of the string (basic matching, no regex — see example).

Config file example:


return [
    'pluginName' => 'Translations',
    'categories' => [
        ['category' => 'site'],
        ['category' => 'app']
    'addMissingTranslations' => false,
    'addMissingSiteRequestOnly' => false,
    'excludedMessages' => [
        'Submission triggered for',
        'Submission marked as spam'


Query static messages this way:

  staticMessages(language:["en-CA", "fr-CA"], category: ["site", "app"]) {


You can use these custom events in your plugin or module to do any actions after translations are added, saved or deleted (example: empty the cache):

use mutation\translate\services\MessagesService;

Event::on(MessagesService::class, MessagesService::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_MESSAGES, function (Event $e) { ... });
Event::on(MessagesService::class, MessagesService::EVENT_AFTER_ADD_MESSAGE, function (Event $e) { ... });
Event::on(MessagesService::class, MessagesService::EVENT_AFTER_DELETE_MESSAGES, function (Event $e) { ... });


You can create a new translation programmatically (in migrations or otherwise):

use mutation\translate\Translate as TranslatePlugin;
TranslatePlugin::getInstance()->messages->addMessage("Lorem ipsum", "site");

The second parameter is the category (site, app, etc.)