
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the phpunit/phpunit package instead.

PHPUnit test listener for TeamCity CI Server

1.2.0 2015-11-21 09:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:28:28 UTC


Package is abandoned.

Use phpunit --teamcity option to report test execution progress in TeamCity format.

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PHPUnit TeamCity TestListener is extension for integration PHPUnit and TeamCity continious integration server. Based on PHPUnit's TestListener feature and TeamCity's Service Messages providing fast and easy test reporting during build process.


  • PHPUnit >=3.7, <6.0
  • TeamCity >=7.0


Simply add a dependency on munkie/phpunit-teamcity-testlistener to your project's composer.json file if you use Composer to manage the dependencies of your project. Here is a minimal example of a composer.json file:

    "require-dev": {
        "munkie/phpunit-teamcity-testlistener": "~1.2"


Add Build Step in TeamCity:

phpunit --printer PHPUnit\\TeamCity\\TestListener

Press "Run..." button in TeamCity. Now build will display executed tests in realtime in "Overview" screen