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php client for multidialogo services

v0.12.4 2023-11-03 11:39 UTC


A set of classes to manage the interaction with Multidialogo API.

Quick Start


composer require multidialogo/api-php-sdk

Use example

    use multidialogo\client\MultidialogoClient;
    $client = MultidialogoClient::builder()
        ->withPasswordCredentials('username', 'password')
    $response = $client->getJson('users/me', ['include' => 'profile']);

It is possible to configure the client with a filesystem-based credentials store.

This is achieved with this helper:


So the full example would be:

        $client = MultidialogoClient::builder()


CLIENT_PROVIDED_FILESYSTEM_PATH is a string specifying a folder, that will be used by the client to store the credentials. The folder must be writable. It is totally optional, and it allows to omit user password until it is mandatory (ie until the main or refresh token expires).

It is possibile to pass a token directly to the client. This use case is suitable for situation where the login is managed by a frontend, that is handling the token refresh procedure and passing the token to a backend proxy. This is done via the withBearerToken helper method. Example:

        $client = MultidialogoClient::builder()


How to run unit tests in a docker environment

Install dependencies including dev ones:

docker compose run --rm multidialogo-api-php-sdk-composer composer install

Run phpunit test suite:

docker compose run --rm multidialogo-api-php-sdk-composer vendor/bin/phpunit .