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Nice error pages for Laravel 4.2

1.0.0 2016-03-22 06:28 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-22 01:58:49 UTC


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This package provides nice looking, customizable and localizable error pages, with two predefined views for Laravel.

By default pretty error pages are displayed when debug-mode is disabled and the requests does not expects a JSON-response.


This version (1.*) is compatible with Laravel 4.2

composer require mscharl/pretty-error-page:1.*

Add the service provider 'Mscharl\PrettyErrorPage\PrettyErrorPageServiceProvider' to your app.php providers array.

Publish public assets

php artisan asset:publish


You can easily customize the output of this package by following those steps


php artisan config:publish mscharl/pretty-error-page
Config values
  • always_pretty bool|null
    • null (default) use pretty error page only when debug mode is off
    • true always show pretty error page (except when expecting a JSON-Response)
    • false never show pretty error page


Unfortunately publishing lang-files like config- or view-files is not supported by default. But you still can customize the translation since they are the easiest way to customize a general or specific error output. You do not need to edit anything inside the views. Translations are automatically loaded by the thrown http-status-code.

Translation will be looked up by the package in the following order:

pretty-error-page-customized::404.title > pretty-error-page-customized::general.title > pretty-error-page::404.title > pretty-error-page::general.title
Customize specific error code translations

Create a [errorcode].php file into app/lang/packages/mscharl/pretty-error-page/[langcode].

Customize fallback translations

Create a generic.php file into app/lang/packages/mscharl/pretty-error-page/[langcode].

Required translation keys

return [
    'title' => 'Whoops!',
    'header_title' => 'Whoops! Something went wrong.',
    'description' => 'Something went wrong.',

    'submit_bug' => 'If this problem presits, pleace contact our <a href=":link">Support-Team</a>',


php artisan asset:publish mscharl/pretty-error-page

You can either override the predefined templates or just add custom error pages for specific error codes.

  • mail.blade.php: This file is used to render the email body that can be sent by the user getting the error to inform you about the incidence.
  • default.blade.php: This file is used to define a general layout for the error pages. Every error template should extend this layout for simplicity.
  • shared variables:

    • $message: The error message
    • $exception: The full PHP-Exception
  • partials/log.blade.php: This file defines the log that can be sent to you by mail. The log is automatically included into every mail by the mail layout.

  • [langcode].blade.php: The E-Mail body for the language with this language code


The error pages. There is a simple naming system. If an error page is displayed the specific error code is used as the primary filename e.g. 503. If this is not found 5xx will be used. If this is still not found any will be used as fallback.

  • 404.blade.php: The predefined 404-Error-Page
  • 503.blade.php: The predefined 503-Error-Page
  • any.blade.php: The fallback error page if no specific page is found

How does it look like?


404 Template


Generic Template