
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.1.0) of this package.

0.1.0 2014-10-24 07:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 04:00:10 UTC


Ad administration package for the Laravel framework.


To use Laradmin in your Laravel project, you first have to include it in your composer.json dependencies. Refer to to get the right version of the package (since it is under active development, I suggest you to always use the dev-develop branch).

Your Composer "require" section should look like this on an empty Laravel installation:

"require": {
    "laravel/framework": "4.2.*",
    "mrosati84/laradmin": "dev-develop"

next step is to run Composer update:

$ php /path/to/composer.phar update

you can now install package assets, it's required by Laradmin to render pages correctly (Laradmin uses Twitter Bootstrap) for the frontend, and some javascript libraries as jQuery and AngularJS:

$ php artisan asset:publish mrosati84/laradmin

you should publish package configuration as well:

$ php artisan config:publish mrosati84/laradmin

optionally you can also publish package views, if you need to customize the frontend:

$ php artisan view:publish mrosati84/laradmin

Configuring Laradmin

All the configuration is handled by the package configuration file that you have just published under config/packages/mrosati84/laradmin/config.php. You can watch an example configuration file is provided with the package itself.

Laradmin configuration options

Name Type Description Default value
namespace string the namespace for your admin classes. Rember to add it to your composer.json project file empty
prefix string the route prefix for the administrator admin
title string used in the HTML <title>. This is also used inside the Laradmin navigation top menu Administration
defaultEntity string the default entity handled by Laradmin. You will be redirected to this entity if you try to navigate the prefix URL without specifying an entity name empty
authCallable string an authentication callable that must return either true or false to determine if you can access the administration backend function() {}
authRedirectRoute string redirect to this route name if the authentication callable returns false login
paginate string set the default pagination. default is 10 results per page (this value is common for all entities) 10
entities array list of entities handled by Laradmin array()