
Mreschke Helpers

5.3.2 2023-09-16 17:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 20:49:35 UTC



A Laravel based dbal helper library and query builder with easy class based entity integration.

This was built before I used Laravel Query Builder or Eloquent and before I built the far more robust and feature rich

This still has a some advantages like:

  • Mssql binary GUID conversions
  • Mssql int or decimal to int in PHP return.
  • In MySQL PDO setting PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false and PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES => false will return true integers, but does not work for MSSQL dblib connections.
  • Cross/linked server support
  • Easy and clean entity class integration (but NOT entity mapping)

but is mostly for legacy use now that I built mreschke/repository. It was built primarily for our MSSQL farm, but uses PDO and has MySQL support as well.

This dbal does have a "basic" query builder, but was also designed to throw large RAW queries...much like you would in your SQL IDE. So it can handle lots of full and partial RAW SQL queries (most of which are NOT escaped, be careful).

If starting a new project just use Laravel Query Builder or Eloquent...or better still, ... seriously, use mreschke/repository if you want anything advanced with a consistent and entity mapped API. See Entity based Integration below.

Collection Info

All multiple returns like ->get(), ->all(), getArray(), getAssoc()...will return as a Laravel Illuminate\Support\Collection. This means you can perform many similar looking methods AFTER dbal has returned...don't confuse these with dbal methods.

Examples of collection usage

$customers = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM customers")->all();
$customer->count(); //collection level count
$customer->first(); //collection level first

See for more

Connection and Instantiation

Mreschke/dbal is a Laravel library so it utilizes the existing database configuration arrays found in Laravel config/database.php. By default, if you use Mreschke\Dbal\Mssql it will use the sqlsrv connection array and if you use Mreschke\Dbal\Mysql it will use the mysql connection array.

To change the connection, much like Laravel query builder, use


Mreschke/dbal comes with 2 facades, Mysql and Mssql. So you can simply use

Mssql::query('SELECT * FROM customers')->get()

But of course the preferred method is through dependency injection of Mreschke\Dbal\Mssql into your constructor.

Entity based Integration

You can use mreschke/dbal for Adhoc Query Usage. Adhoc would be synonymous with Laravel query builder (not eloquent). Just use it on-the-fly whenever needed.

But an interesting integration comes about when you tie the mreschke/dbal query builder with an individual class.

Think of the class your "entity", like Sso\User.php for example. And that User.php class can of course have its own methods and properties, but it can also be backed by mreschke/dbal tied to a database backend. You can integrate this class with mreschke/dbal by extending the Builder class to add a fluent entity API like:

$sso->user->find(45); // provided by dbal
$sso->user->where('email', ''); // provided by dbal
$sso->user->byServer(1); // custom method in our User.php class, but it uses dbal behind the scenes

So this turns a basic PHP class or "entity" object into a fluent model. Something like Eloquent does.

NOTICE: I firmly believe that an entity should be treated like an API and therefore be consistent. If you change the database column names, the return of the entity should not change. With this mreschke\dbal, the results are tied directly to the database which is an issue for consistency. This is why I created

Mreschke/repository is a much more advanced entity system than simply integrating a database with an entity class. Mreschke/repository adds active records, column and entity mapping abstractions and repository style swappable backends. It is highly recommended to use mreschke/repository if you need this type of entity integration.

The prefered system is Laravel Query Builder (not eloquent) for adhoc queries and mreschke/repository for entity management and APIs.

This is how we would implement a SSO\User.php entity class backed by mreschke/dbal


use Mreschke\Dbal\Builder;
use Mreschke\Dbal\Mssql as Dbal;

class User extends Builder
     * Database connection
     * @var Dbal
    protected $db;

     * Create a new User instance
     * @param Dbal $db
    public function __construct(Dbal $db)
        $this->db = $db;

     * Configure the dbal query builder
     * @return void
    public function configureBuilder()
        $this->key = 'user_id';
        $this->select = ['tbl_user.*'];
        $this->from = 'tbl_user';
        $this->where = null;
        $this->groupBy = null;
        $this->having = null;
        $this->orderBy = 'email';

     * Return the dbal database instance
     * @return DbalInterface
    public function dbInstance() {
        return $this->db;

     * Get one user by email address
     * Automatically appends if no domain specified
     * @param  string $email
     * @return dbal resource
    public function byEmail($email)
        if (!str_contains($email, "@")) $email .= "";
        $this->where("email = '$email'");
        return $this->execute();

     * Get dealer server manager(s)
     * @param  int $dealerID dp dlr id
     * @return dbal resource
    public function serviceManagers($dealerID)
            INNER JOIN tbl_perm_group_link pgl on tbl_user.user_id = pgl.user_id
            INNER JOIN tbl_user_dealer_link udl on tbl_user.user_id = udl.user_id
        $this->where('tbl_user.disabled', false);
        $this->where('udl.dp_dlr_id', $dealerID);
        $this->where('pgl.group_id', 10); #10 = Service Manager
        return $this->execute();

Because this class extends Builder, you get all the ->find(), ->where(), ->select(), ->orderBy...methods plus the ability to add your own that utilize the builder.. like the byEmail() or serviceManager() methods above

Adhoc Query Usage

Mreschke/dbal also works great for adhoc queries.


use Mreschke\Dbal\Mssql;

function __construct(Mssql $db)
    // Dependency injection.  Facades are also available.
    $this->db = $db;

function rawQueries()
    // Get all as collection of objects
    $customers = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM customers")->get(); // or all()

    // Get all as collection of arrays
    $customers = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM customers")->getArray(); // or getAssoc()

    // Get all as key/value array
    $customers = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM customers")->pluck('name', 'id');

    // Get first record as object
    $customers = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM customers")->first();

    // Get first record as array
    $customers = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM customers")->firstArray(); // or firstAssoc()

    // Get first column from first record (great for scalar queries)
    $customers = $this->db->query("SELECT TOP 1 name FROM customers")->pluck();

    // Get defined column from first record
    $customers = $this->db->query("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM customers")->value('adddress');

    // Count number of results
    // NOTICE: This will actually RUN the full query, so inefficient...
    // A SELECT count(*) is far more efficient.
    // So if you want the results too, get results, then count them yourself
    $count = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM customers")->count(); // runs full query
    $count = $this->db->query("SELECT count(*) FROM customers")->value(); // db level, very efficient
    $customers = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM customers")->get();
    count($customers) //or because collection, $customers->count();

    // Count number of columns
    $columnCount = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM customers")->fieldCount();

    // Escape data for raw input
    $input = $this-db->escape($input);
    $this->db->query("INSERT INTO customers $input");

function queryBuilder()
    // Query build table does NOT work with databsae or schema names like DB.dbo.my_table
    // Much like the raw ->query() function above, the terminators are ->get,
    // ->all(), ->getAssoc(), ->getArray(), ->first()...
    // Most query builder methods allow RAW entries too, like ->where('raw = this or raw = that')...

    // TABLE and SELECT
        // Build can do basic ->table(), ->select() and ->addSelect().  If you want
        // complex joins, use a full RAW ->query() or add RAW to the ->table() method.
        // By default select is set to *

        // Get all records
        $customers = $this->db->table('customer')->get(); // or all()

        // Get all records, limited columns
        $customers = $this->db->select('id', 'name')->table('customer')->get();

        // Select as RAW, either as one parameter per column, or as one big string
        $customers = $this->db->select('id as UID', 'name as Customer')->table('customer')->get();
        $customers = $this->db->select('id as UID, name as Customer')->table('customer')->get();

        // Complex Raw table and select, but still using build style, not pure ->query()
        $customers = $this->db->select('c.*, as Role')
            ->table('customer c INNER JOIN roles r on c.role_id = r.role_id');
        $customers = $customers->get();

        // By default, the ->where() method has 2 params, and the = opreator is assumed
        // But like eloquent, you can override the operator ->where('name', 'like', 'bob')...
        // Chaining ->where() is by default AND...but you can alter to OR...but it won't
        // do compled nested AND/OR combinations...for that I just use RAW queries.

        // Get one with WHERE statement
        $customers = $this->db->table('customer')->where('name', 'Bob')->first();

        // Multiple wheres (AND)
        $customers = $this->db->table('customer')->where('zip', 75067)->where('disabled', false)->first();

        // Multiple wheres (OR)
        $customers = $this->db->table('customer')->where('zip', '=', 75067, 'or')->where('zip', 75068)->get();
        $customers = $this->db->table('customer')->where('zip', '=', 75067)->orWhere('zip', 75068)->get();

        // Mixed in RAW where
        $customers = $this->db->table('customer')->where('(zip = 1 or zip = 2)')->where('disabled', false)->get();

        // Mixed RAW complex
        $customers = $this->db
            ->select('name', 'count(*) as cnt')
            ->where('(x = y AND a = b) OR (c = d)')
            ->orderBy('cnt desc')
            ->having('cnt > 1')


function procedures()
    // No params
    $customers = $this->db->procedure('GetAllCustomers')->get()

    // Params
    $customers = $this->db->procedure('GetCustomersByState', [
        ['name' => 'state', 'value' => 'TX'],
        ['name' => 'zip', 'value' => 75067],

    // No return