
Streams abstraction library

v0.3.0 2023-05-22 08:50 UTC

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Last update: 2024-06-22 11:14:54 UTC


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mracine\Streams is a library that provide streams abstraction to use differents kind of resources (files, sockets, pipes, process input/output, strings) as streams provider. It makes testing simple for classes which use the mracine\Sreams\Stream interface.


You can add this library as a local, per-project dependency to your project using Composer:

composer require mracine/streams


The mracine\Streams\Stream interface provides :

  • read method : get bytes from a stream
  • write method : push bytes to a stream
  • close method : release the stream

There are actualy two classes implementing the Stream interface :

  • mracine\Streams\ResourceStream : abstract a PHP resource (fils, socket, UNIX pipes, process....)
  • mracine\Streams\BufferStream : abstract a PHP string in a buffer
use mracine\Streams;

$socketStream = new Streams\ResourceStream(stream_socket_client('tcp://'.$serverIP.':'.$serverPort));
$bufferStream = new Streams\BufferStream('Hello World !');

// talk function does not have to know what kind of "resource" it communicate with
// Could be a file, a socket, a process or even a string 
function talk(Streams\Stream $stream)
    $stream->write('Hi !');
    $bytes = $stream->read(5);

    return $bytes;

echo talk($socketStream): // Will echo 5 firsts bytes the server returned
echo talk($bufferStream); // Will echo "Hello"
echo talk($bufferStream); // Will echo " Worl"
echo talk($bufferStream); // Will echo "d !"