
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Laravel 5 package for REST Url-based quering, filtering & sorting Eloquent models.

v1.0.0 2018-10-16 21:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-02-08 16:56:07 UTC


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This package is responsible for converting OData(-like) URL Query into SQL query on top of the Eloquent Builder.

Getting Started

Searcher has been developed using Laravel 5.5. It's recommended to test it out before using with previous versions. PHP >= 7.1.3 is required.


To install through composer, simply put the following in your composer.json file and run composer update

    "require": {
        "mr-luke/searcher": "~1.0"

Or use the following command

composer require "mr-luke/searcher"

Next, add the service provider to app/config/app.php



You can see the options for further customization in the config file.

You can also publish config file

php artisan vendor:publish


Step 1: Model

To use Searcher you need to setup your Searchable Eloquent model before. Add following interface to the model Mrluke\Searcher\Contracts\Searchable and create method:

 * Determines rules for Searcher.
 * @return array
public static function getSearchableConfig() : array
	return [
    	'filter' => ['first' => 'firstName'],
        'query' => ['first', 'last'],
        'sort => ['age' => 'age'],
  • filter - this property defines fields allowed to filter by, eg URL: first=john,or+steve
  • query - this property defines fields allowed to query by, eg URL: q=lorem
  • sort - this property defines fields allowed to sort by, eg URL: sort=+first,-age

['first' => 'firstName'] in this example first is public key (URL) and firstName is an Eloquent attribute. You can be more accured and specify the way that query should be performed by using dot notation.

  • ['first' => 'like.firstName'] = WHERE LIKE statement
  • ['category' => 'in.category_id'] = WHERE IN statement
  • ['withOutMark' => 'null.mark'] = WHERE NULL statement
  • ['posts' => 'has.posts'] = Eloquent has() relation quering
  • ['rate' => ''] = Eloquent whereHas() relation quering

You can also use Mrluke\Searcher\Traits\Searchable that gives ability to read configuration from class property instead of function.

 * Searcher configuration.
 * @var array
protected static $searchableConfig = [];

Step 2: Controller

You can access Searcher via Facade Mrluke\Searcher\Facades\Searcher. All you need is following line

$collection = Searcher::setModel(User::class)->get();
setModel($model, Builder $builder = null) : self

This is main method of package. It is required to perform any action.

  • $model - string|array
  • $builder - Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder|null

This method provides ability to setup Searcher is tree different ways.

  1. Default Model searchableConfig with no additional SQL requirements.
setModel(string Model::class)
  1. Default Model searchableConfig with custom Builder (eg: whereIn condition not depended on Url query)
setModel(string Model::class, Builder $builder)
  1. Custom searchableConfig passed as 1st argument with Model Builder instance.
setModel(array $searchableConfig, Builder $builder)

By default Seracher uses Illuminate\Http\Request::all() as an input array.

setQuery(array $inputs) : self

This method allows you to set own inputs array instead of using default Illuminate\Http\Request::all()

setOptions(array $options) : self

This method allows you to override default Searcher configuration. If you'd like to check all available options see config file.

getBuilder() : Builder

This method returns prepared Builder instance for given inputs.

get() : Collection

This method returns Illuminate\Support\Collection for given inputs. If your configuration has property auto_pagination = true, it will perform pagination based on limit & offset inputs.

paginate(int $limit = null, int $offset = null) : mixed

This method allows you to get paginated collection of models. If parameters are not set, method will get them automatically from the inputs. If your configuration has property api_mode = true, method will return Illuminate\Support\Collection otherwise you will get Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator.


To be continued...