
Helper functions for working with Advanced Custom Fields

1.3.2 2021-12-16 18:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-22 09:11:24 UTC


Helper functions for working with the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.


  • PHP 7.2+ or 8.0+
  • Composer

Getting Started

The easiest way to install this package is by using running the following command from your terminal:

composer require moxie-lean/acf --save

Or by adding the following lines on your composer.json file

"require": {
  "moxie-lean/acf": "dev-master"

This will download the files from the packagelist site and set you up with the latest version located on master branch of the repository.

After that you can include the autoload.php file in order to be able to autoload the class during the object creation.

include '/vendor/autoload.php';



This filter allows you to overwrite the default transforms applied to the field. Where {field_key} is replaced by the key of your field for example: ln_acf_apply_default_transforms_field_56f293e024b74.

The filter has the following parameters:

  1. $target_id: The id of the post or page that where the field belongs.
  2. $field_obj: array of data containing all field settings


This filter allow you to overwrite the default value returned for a particular field. The {field_key} is replaced by the key of your field for example: ln_acf_field_field_56f293e024b74.

The filter has the following parameters:

  1. $value: The value of the field or the default value to be returned.
  2. $target_id: The id of the post or page that where the field belongs.
  3. $field_obj: array of data containing all field settings


This filter is applied to images before are returned and can be used to return a specifc size of the image.

The filter has the following parameters.

  1. $size: By default the value is false and the $attachment_id is returned instead, here you can specify the size of the image you want to use.
  2. $field: Is the field that has the image here you have all the information of that particular field such as: key, name and so on,
  3. $sub_field: This is always false for fields that are not repeter fields otherwise contains the fields that are childs.
