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Ftp library for Laravel

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.



3 2015-02-03 10:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-01-23 01:43:17 UTC



This is a php library for ftp. It's based on the laravel framework. To install, add the following lines to composer, then run composer update.


		"require": {
			"moxar/ftp": "dev-master"

Don't forget to add the FtpServiceProvider to your config/app.pphp file. Also, I suggest you use an alias. The class responsible for the Ftp connection is known as connection.


	return array(
		'providers' => array(
		'aliases' => array(
			'Ftp' => 'Moxar/Ftp/Facades/Connection',


The package behaves as the DB package provided by Illuminate. You need a config file like this one.


	return [
		'default' => 'some_connection',				// This the key of the default connection.
		'connections' => [
			'some_connection' => [					// A connection identified by a slug
				'host' => 'localhost',
				'port' => '21',
				'username' => 'my_user_name',
				'password' => 'my_password',
				'protocol' => 'ftp',				// You can use ftp, sftp or ftps.
													// However, sftp and ftps are not well implemented. Expect bugs.
			'some_other_connection' => [			// Another connection identified by another slug


Ftp methods

Once installation and configuration done, you can use the package. Here come some examples of usage.

	use Moxar\Ftp\Facades\Connection as Ftp;
	// Uploads and Downloads
	Ftp::upload($local, $remote); 		// uploads the file or directory $local to the location $remote (recursive).
	Ftp::download($remote, $local);		// downloads the file or directory $remote to the location $local (recursive).
	// Readings
	Ftp::isDirectory($path);			// tells you if $path is a directory.
	Ftp::isFile($path);					// tells you if $path is a file.
	Ftp::exists($path);					// tells you if $path exists.
	Ftp::files($path); 					// returns all files and directories within $path as an array.
	// Writings
	Ftp::makedirectory($path);			// creates a directory at the $path location.
	Ftp::clean($path);					// removes all contents inside a $path directory (recursive).
	Ftp::delete($path);					// removes the file or directory from the given $path location (recursive).
	Ftp::move($old, $new);				// moves the $old file or directory to $new location.
	Ftp::copy($old, $new, $buffer)		// copies the content of $old to $new using a local $buffer folder.
	// Connection
		->upload($local, $remove);		// switches the $connection to the defined slug and uses the upload method.

Vanilla methods

The library comes with all the php vanilla functions thanks to the __call() magic method. Any vanilla ftp_method called will be called using the current connection as ftp_stream argument. Here are some example of usage.

	use Moxar\Ftp\Facades\Connection as Ftp;
	Ftp::ftp_chmod(755, $file);