
A basic template for the MoViCon framework.

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Security: 0

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Watchers: 1

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Open Issues: 0


2.0.0 2018-06-18 07:12 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 03:12:24 UTC


A minimalist framework for PHP based on the following principles:

  • Fast: It's fast because it uses simple and efficient algorithms.
  • Light: It's light because it occupies 104kB of disk space.
  • Soft: It's "soft" because it only requires MySQL and PHP5.6 or later.


This framework requires Composer, MySQL or compatible and a server capable of executing PHP5.6 or later.


Open a terminal and execute the create-project command to generate the structure of the project (replace <myproject> with your project name):

composer create-project movicon/movicon <myproject>

Finaly change the config.php file with the appropriate values to connect to a MySQL database.

Project structure

The framework contains the following structure:

public/  <!-- public directory or DOCUMENT_ROOT
  |-- route1.php
  |-- route2.php
  |-- ...
  |-- .htaccess
src/ <!-- source code
  |-- core/ <!-- 'internal classes'
  |     |-- http/
  |     |     |-- Controller.php <!-- the base class of any controller
  |     |     |-- View.php       <!-- the base class of any view
  |-- models/      <!-- the 'models'
  |     |-- Entity1Model.php
  |     |-- Entity2Model.php
  |     |-- ...
  |-- views/       <!-- the 'views'
  |     |-- Route1View.php
  |     |-- Route2View.php
  |     |-- ...
  |-- controllers/ <!-- the 'controllers'
  |     |-- Route1Controller.php
  |     |-- Route2Controller.php
  |     |-- ...
vendor/        <!-- third-party libraries
config.php     <!-- config file
composer.json  <!-- composer libraries

public/ folder

The public/ folder contains the 'routes' and any other resource accessible from the web. It represents the DOCUMENT_ROOT. We'll talk about 'routers' later in this manual.

source/ folder

The source/ folder contains the source code of the project. It has three relevant folders, representing the Model View Controller pattern:

  1. source/models: This folder contains the 'models'.
  2. source/views: This folder contains the 'views'.
  3. source/controllers: This folder contains the 'controllers'.

Additionally we have a source/core folder for 'internal classes'.

vendor/ folder

The vendor/ folder contains third-party software installed by the Composer package manager. It shouldn't be part of the repository and it was intentionally ignored by GIT (see .gitignore file).


Unlike other systems this framework doesn't implement any mechanism to incorportate 'routes'. A route is nothing more than a script under the public/ directory responsible for instantiating a 'view' and printing a document. If you take a look at the public/route1.php script, you can see how it works clearly:

require_once "../vendor/autoload.php";
require_once "../config.php";
use views\Route1View;

// instantiates a view and prints the document
$v = new Route1View();


A 'model' represents an 'entity' in the MVC design pattern. In general a 'model' extends the DbActiveRecord class, which implements the active record pattern. You can use the DbActiveRecord class to insert, edit or delete records. More information about this class can be found here: MoViCon DB


A 'view' is responsible for preparing the document to be presented to the user. It extends the HttpView class, which contains the abstract method getDocument() and must be implemented in all cases. More information about this class can be found here: MoViCon HTTP.


A 'controller' is responsible for 'intercepting' and 'processing' HTTP requests. It extends the HttpController class. More information about this class can be found here: MoViCon HTTP.

Configuring a Virtual Host in Apache2

We mentioned previously that the public/ directory represents the DOCUMENT_ROOT and we must take into account when configuring a Virtual Host in Apache2. A typical Virtual Host configuration may look as follows (replace myproject.localhost and /path/to/myproject/public by the correct values):

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName myproject.localhost

  # The public/ folder represents the DOCUMENT_ROOT
  DocumentRoot /path/to/myproject/public

  <Directory /path/to/myproject/public>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

Then, copy the previous sinppet to the following location (replace myproject.localhost.conf by the appropriate name): ``/etc/apache2/sites-available/myproject.localhost.conf`

After that, execute the following commands to enable the Virtual Host:

sudo a2ensite myproject.localhost
sudo service apache2 reload

And then test your application by opening the following link: http://myproyect.localhost/route1.php


The following example is a simple TODO Manager that illustrate how this framework works: MoViCon TODO manager.