A database library

2.1.1 2018-06-15 14:51 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 02:58:34 UTC


A library to connect to databases. Specifically this library contains a class to connect to a MySQL database.


This library uses the Composer package manager. Simply execute the following command from a terminal:

composer require movicon\movicon-db

After that, you are ready to use the library. Just include the following PHP code at the beggining of the scripts:

require_once "/path/to/vendor/autoload.php";
use movicon\db\mysql\MySqlConnection;

// connects to a database
$db = new MySqlConnection("my_db", "root", "password");

query, queryAll and exec

Use the query method to access single records. This method returns NULL if no records were found. For example:

// selects a single row and prints it
$row = $db->query("select id, title from my_table where id = ?", 101);
if ($row !== null) {
  echo "Record ID: $row[id], title: $row[title]\n";
} else {
  echo "Record not found!";

Use the queryAll method to fetch a list of records from the database. This method returns an empty array if no records were found. For example:

// selects a list of records and prints it
$rows = $db->queryAll("select id, title from my_table");
if (count($rows) > 0) {
  foreach ($rows as $row) {
    echo "Row ID: $row[id], Title: $row[title]\n";
} else {
  echo "No records found!";

Use the exec method to execute SQL statements. This method returns the number of 'affected rows'. For example:

$numRows = $db->exec(
  "update my_table set title = ?, description = ? where id = ?",
  ['New title', 'New description', 101]
echo "Number of rows affected: $numRows";


The ActiveRecord class implements the active record pattern. Thus, we can insert, edit or delete records as if it were instances of objects. For example, let's say that our table has the following structure:

create table person (
    id int not null auto_increment,
    first_name varchar(200) not null,
    last_name varchar(200),
    age int
    primary key(id)

In the following example we'll insert, edit and finally delete a record. Note that we use the camelCase naming convention to access the table fields. For example, we use firstName instead of first_name.

require_once "path/to/vendor/autoload.php";
use movicon\db\DbActiveRecord;
use movicon\db\mysql\MySqlConnection;

// connects to a MySQL database
$db = new MySqlConnection("your-database", "root", "your-password");

// inserts a record
$row = new DbActiveRecord($db, "person");
$row->firstName = 'John';
$row->lastName = 'Smith';
$row->age = 33;

// updates the previous record
$row = new DbActiveRecord($db, "person", $row->getId());
$row->firstName = 'Agent';
$row->lastName = 'Smith';

// deletes the previous record
$row = new DbActiveRecord($db, "person", $row->id);