
Import/Export your laravel translations(including the missing ones!) to/from your separate frontend apps.

0.2.0 2019-05-14 01:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-04 22:28:08 UTC


This package comes with a translation manager laravel-translation-manager and gives it the ability to import/export and a translation group to json or yaml.


  • Install the package.
composer require motia/laravel-translations-port
  • (optional if autodiscovery is on) Add the service provider Motia\TranslationsPort\TranslationsPortProvider
  • Publish the config file using the command
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Motia\TranslationsPort\TranslationsPortProvider"


  • Import translations from file to database
php artisan trans:import
  • Export translations from database to file
php artisan trans:import
  • Missing translations This package comes with a controller to add missing translations and a helper function to add it to your routes.
// routes/api.php

use Motia\TranslationsPort\Controller as TranslationsPortController;

   'prefix' => 'translations-port',
   'middleware' => 'cors',
// on your client app'/missing', {
    key: 'namespaced.key',
    locale: 'en',
    group: 'client_app' // optional, defaults config('translations-port.groups')[0].