
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Cog module for discount building blocks in Mothership



The Discount-class is the entity in the heart of the discount-cogule. Discounts consist of (at least) an id, a code and a name.


A discount has information about it's benefit. It either has a fixed amount or a percentage discount, moreover free shipping can be applied:

$discount->percentage = 40;
$discount->freeshipping = true;

Fixed discounts can be added like this:

$amount = new DiscountAmount();
$amount->currencyID = 'GBP';
$amount->locale = 'en_GB';
$amount->amount = 20.5;


And you can get a discount amount for a certain currency ID like this:

$discount->getDiscountAmountForCurrencyID('GBP'); // returns $amount
$discount->getDiscountAmountForCurrencyID('EUR'); // returns null


To define whether a discount is active, it has a start and end date. If the start AND end-date are null, it means the discount is always active, if only one of them is set, the discount is always active after the start/before the end-date. Both start and end-date are DateTime-Objects.

You can find out whether a discount is currently active or not by using:

$discount->isActive(); // returns boolean


A discount can define thresholds for certain locales and currencies. If the threshold is not reached, the order can not use the discount.

Thresholds can be added using addThreshold($threshold). To get a threshold, you best use getThresholdForCurrencyID($currencyID):

$threshold = new Threshold();
$threshold->currencyID = 'GBP';
$threshold->locale = 'en_GB';
$threshold->threshold = 20.5;

$discount->getThresholdForCurrencyID('GBP'); // returns $threshold
$discount->getThresholdForCurrencyID('EUR'); // returns null

Moreover discounts can either apply to a whole order or to specific products only. When the products-Array is empty, this means that the discount applies to the whole order. To test this, you can use:

$discount->appliesToOrder() // true if $products is empty

Discount Decorators

Discounts can be created, edited, deleted and loaded:

$discount = new Discount();
$discount->name = "Test Discount";
$discount->code = "UNIQUECODE";

$discount = $this->get('discount.create')->create($discount);
$discount->name = 'Test Change';

$discount = $this->get('discount.edit')->save($discount);

$discount = $this->get('discount.delete')->delete($discount);
$discount = $this->get('discount.delete')->restore($discount);

The loader can be used like this:

$discount = $this->get('discount.loader')->getByCode("UNIQUECODE");

You can load discounts using:

  • Will only return one discount or false

    • getByID($id) (will return one discount or false)
    • getByCode($id) (will return one discount or false)
  • Will return array of discounts:

    • getAll()
    • getActive()
    • getInactive() (both upcoming and expired)
    • getByProduct($product)
    • getByDateRange($from, $to) (returns discounts active between $from and $to)


To create a Commerce\Order\Entity\Discount\Discount (further referred to as OrderDiscount) from a Discount\Discount and a Commerce\Order\Order, you can use the Discount\OrderDiscountFactory-class. The use is pretty straight forward and therefore doesn't really require a lot of explanation:

$orderDiscountFactory = $this->get('discount.order-discount-factory')
$orderDiscount = $orderDiscountFactory->createOrderDiscount();


The Validator is a component which tries to apply a discount to a certain order. If the discount is not applicable to the order, OrderValidityExceptions will be thrown. Otherwise the validator returns the order-discount-object(using the OrderDiscountFactory) for the given discount-code and order. From inside a controller you can use the validator using the discount.validator-Service. This could look like this:

$discountValidator = $this->get('discount.validator')

try {
	$orderDiscount = $discountValidator->validate($code);
} catch (Discount\OrderValidityException $e) {
	$this->addFlash('error', $e->getMessage());

if($orderDiscount) { // validator returns orderDiscount-object on success
	$this->addFlash('success', 'You successfully added a discount');

EventListeners and integration with Commerce\Order

To integrate the Discount-cogule with the Basket in Commerce, there is an Discount\EventListener, which listens to the CREATE_START and ASSEMBLER_UPDATE Order-Events to validate and update discounts. This is important because we want to be able to edit both discounts and the basket at any time. The actual work on setting discount-totals and item-discounts on the order is happening in Commerce and only uses OrderDiscounts. This EventListener validates whether an order can still have a certain discount after a change(e.g. removing an item) and removes the discount if not. Furthermore it updates the OrderDiscount by loading the latest verion of the discount(using the discount code).


  • Currency Collection necessary for iterating over all currencies in create-view!
  • Validation for Start/End-Date and Percentage/Fixed Amount instead of checking it in the controller
  • Add a method to add discount-amount if freeShipping is enabled on the discount.
  • Translations!