
A Twig helper to generate picture tags from a set of imgix transforms.

5.0.1 2024-08-27 21:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-28 14:06:29 UTC


A Twig helper to generate picture tags from a set of imgix transforms.


This plugin requires Craft CMS 4.9.0 or later, and PHP 8.0.2 or later.


You can install this plugin with Composer.

With Composer

Open your terminal and run the following commands:

# go to the project directory
cd /path/to/my-project.test

# tell Composer to load the plugin
composer require mostlyserious/craft-imgix-picture

# tell Craft to install the plugin
./craft plugin/install imgix-picture


This plugin assumes that you have one Asset Volume and File System configured (Typically an Amazon S3 bucket) an an imgix source that references that File System. Note: multiple imgix sources are not supported at this time.

To get started, create an imgix account with a source and an API Key.

The API key requires Purge permissions, and it is used only to purge assets on Craft's Asset events, such as replace.

Add your imgix url and API key as environment variables in your .env file.


Add then add this config file at config/imgix-picture:


return [
    'imgixUrl' => getenv('IMGIX_URL'),
    'imgixApiKey' => getenv('IMGIX_API_KEY'),
    // altTextHandle => 'alternativeText' /* optional */
    // 'defaultParameters' => [] /* optional */
    // 'useNativeTransforms' => false
    // 'fallBackImageSrc' => '/static-assets/default-image-missing-photo.png'
  • altTextHandle Alternative Text: This plugin assumes that Craft's native alt text field has been added to the desired Assets field layout. If you are using a different field for alternative text, you can override this by providing a different field handle in your config file.
  • defaultParameters Default Parameters: Override the default imgix parameters tuned for auto format and modest quality with your own defaults.
  • useNativeTransforms Craft Transforms: set to true to bypass imgix and use Craft Transforms instead.
  • fallBackImageSrc Fallback Image: Imgix has it's own default image that you can set for a source. Apart from that, if you wish to configure an image to display when an Asset is not provided to the picture function you can set that here.


Use the picture function to generate a <picture> tag from an Asset.

{{ picture(,
            fit: 'crop',
            width: 120,
            height: 120
            breakpoint: 1024,
            fit: 'crop',
            width: 500,
            height: 500
        class: [
            'w-full h-auto aspect-square',
            'lg:absolute lg:inset-0',
            'lg:h-full lg:aspect-auto',
) }}

The picture() function

This function is called with 3 arguments:

  1. The first argument must be a Craft Asset object.
  2. The second is an array of transforms.
    • a non-standard breakpoint property is a min-width pixel value that adds a min-width media query to <source> elements inside the picture, ex: media="(min-width: 1024px)".
    • Focal Point parameters are added automatically if the Asset has a focal point.
    • Transforms may contain any parameter in the imgix Rendering API. Recommended default attributes are set by the plugin as a baseline, but will be overidden with any you provide here.
    /* Defaults are */
        'auto' => 'format,compress',
        'q' => 35,
        'fit' => 'max',
    • If only one transform is passed in, an <img> tag will be rendered instead of a picture tag.
  3. The third parameter is an object representing html attributes you wish to add to the rendered element. Images are lazy loading by default, but you can override this, for example:
    fetchpriority: 'high',

Other Functions

  • singleSrc() create a single transformed url suitable for a src="" attribute
  • downloadUrl() creates a force download link to an imgix asset with the dl param
  • imgixAttrs returns the imgix attributes without a picture tag
  • getMaxDimensions returns the max dimensions of an asset within the defined parameters