
CLI tool for nginx-proxy-manager

v1.1 2024-02-23 10:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 12:42:27 UTC


Screenshot Proxyman is a simple cli tool for nginx-proxy-manager

I've written it for my own use cases, but feature requests and pull-requests are welcome.


  • PHP >= 8.0
  • mkcert (for generating self-signed certificates)



composer global require mortenscheel/nginx-proxyman


Download binary from latest release and place it in PATH


List proxy hosts

$ proxyman hosts:list
| Domains      | Host                 | Port | SSL | Enabled |
| mailhog.test | host.docker.internal | 8025 |||
| proxy.test   | proxy                | 81   |||

Add proxy host

$ proxyman hosts:add [options] <domains>
domains Space separated list of domain names (incl. wildcards)
--host Name of host or docker-compose service (default: host.docker.internal)
--port Default: 80
--https Will create a self-signed certificate for the supplied domain names and force http requests to https

List self-signed certificates

$ proxyman cert:list
| Name                   | Expires on                                        |
| mailhog.test           | Saturday, May 25, 2024 6:26 PM (2 years from now) |
| proxy.test             | Saturday, May 25, 2024 6:25 PM (2 years from now) |

Get self-signed certificate

$ proxyman cert:get <name> [--write]

Writes the key and crt to stdout, or writes them to files in the current directory