
Save rich editor contents in database and use it as UI Element



Admin list

Manage your block in admin

Grid of blocks in Sylius admin

Admin form

Manage the content of your block, you can decide to disable or enable it to display it anywhere you used it.

Form of a block in Sylius Admin

Include it in your content

For example in your Homepage ou CMS Page !

Block included in a homepage content

By using block element in your Rich Editor.

Block element in rich editor

Chose the block you want to include in your content.

Block element in rich editor

Displays in front

You can use it in multiple places, it will shown the same content everywhere.

Block displayed in front

If you disable the block, it will not be displayed anymore.


Run the recipe and run migrations

console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n


This plugin is under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.