1.5 2020-07-29 09:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 06:25:51 UTC


A Laravel Package for Remita Interbank Transfer Service


  • Register as a merchant/biller on the Remita platform.
  • Get your credentials from Remita such as Merchant ID, API Key etc.


Open your terminal or command prompt, go to the root directory of your Laravel project, then run the following command

composer require mojoblanco/rits


Setup Credentials

To use any of the available services, you need to set up your credentials first

use Mojoblanco\RITS\Models\Credential;

$credentials = Credential();
$credentials->merchantId = $merchantId;
$credentials->apiKey = $apiKey;
$credentials->apiToken = $apiToken;
$credentials->key = $key;
$credentials->iv = $iv;
$credentials->environment = 'DEMO'; //Can either be LIVE or DEMO

Available Services

Bulk Payment

use Mojoblanco\RITS\RITSService;
use Mojoblanco\RITS\Models\BulkBeneficiary;

// Build the list of your beneficiaries
$beneficiaries = [];

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    $bb = new BulkBeneficiary($iv, $key);
    $bb->amount = 100;
    $bb->accountNumber = '0582915208015';
    $bb->bankCode = '058';
    $bb->email = 'test@mail.com';
    $bb->narration = 'Test payment';
    $bb->transRef = rand(); // Make sure it is something you can track.

    array_push($beneficiaries, $bb);

// Call the bulk payment service
$bp = new BulkPayment($iv, $key);
$bp->batchRef = '12345678987654321';
$bp->debitAccount = '1234565678'
$bp->bankCode = '044'
$bp->narration = 'Test bulk payment'
$bp->beneficiaries = $beneficiaries;

$service = new RITSService($credentials);
$response = $service->makeBulkPayment($bp);

Bulk Payment Status

use Mojoblanco\RITS\RITSService;
use Mojoblanco\RITS\Models\PaymentStatus;

$ps = new PaymentStatus($iv, $key);
$ps->reference = $reference;

$service = new RITSService($credentials);
$response = $service->getBulkPaymentStatus($ps);

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