
v0.1.0 2021-09-27 06:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-13 14:28:33 UTC


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lara setups helps you to install latest bootstrap and vue.js version on your laravel project

laravel team no longer supports laravel ui package so lara setups is a very good replacemanet for laravel ui and it help you to install any version of vue js and it has no limitted for you


// locally
composer require mohammadkhazaee/larasetups --dev

// root
composer require mohammadkhazaee/larasetups 

bootstrap & vue scaffolding

Once the larasetups package has been installed, you may install the frontend scaffolding using the install: Artisan command:

// bootstrap 5 & vue 3
php artisan install:bv3

// bootstrap 5 & vue 2
php artisan install:bv2

// bootstrap 5 
php artisan install:bootstrap5

// vuejs 3 & 2
php artisan install:vue3
php artisan install:vue2

once it done run

npm install

npm run dev

use default vue component

for vue 2
<div id="app">
for vue 3
<div id"example"><div>