
Convenient management of MODX users

1.1.0 2024-08-21 03:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-21 03:53:46 UTC


This extra is part of MMX initiative - the Modern MODX approach.


This package requires mmxDatabase to work with MODX database using Eloquent models.

The mmx/database dependency will be downloaded automatically by Composer.


This package can be installed only with Composer.

If you are still not using Composer with MODX 3, just download the composer.json of your version:

cd /to/modx/root/


composer require mmx/users --update-no-dev
composer exec mmx-users install


composer update mmx/users --no-dev
composer exec mmx-users install


composer exec mmx-users remove
composer remove mmx/users

If you don't want to use mmxDatabase, you can also remove it.

composer exec mmx-database remove && composer remove mmx/database

How to use

Just open mmxUsers extra section in MODX manager and enjoy!

System Settings

You can change the extra grids and forms look and feel with system settings. Please read the description and look into default values.

Grid settings

Here you can specify the order and settings for columns.

Available columns are:

  • group-grid-columns
    • regular UserGroup columns, like id, name, description, rand
    • nested options parent UserGroup with the same columns (id, name, etc...)
    • Special column with group users count: members_count
  • user-grid-columns
    • regular User and Profile columns: id, username, fullname, email, etc...
    • values from extended fields: extended.key1, extended.key2 and other. Can't be sortable.
    • values from UserSetting table: setting.key1, setting.key2. Can be sortable!

Supported settings:

  • type - the type of column, supported are:
    • boolean to show yes\no icons
    • text or unset for other values
  • sortable (true | false) to make column sortable.
  • sort (true | false) specify this column as sorted by default
  • dir specify the direction of column sorting (if sort=true)

Tabs settings

Those are very simple - you just specify wich tabs will be visible.

  • group-tabs-create
  • group-tabs-edit
  • user-tabs-create
  • user-tabse-edit

See settings description in MODX manager.

Forms settings

For now you can customize only users form. I see no point to add this feature for user groups form, but feel free to write me about it.

user-form-fields-available - the list of all available fields of form with settings:

  • type:
    • text - just regular text field
    • email - here and next the same text field but with specified type="..." attribute
    • password
    • url
    • tel
    • textarea - you should know what is it, right?
    • checkbox - regular checkbox for boolean values
    • gender - select with gender variants
    • image - this will open MODX browser to pick an uploaded image
    • country - select with countries list
    • select - select with custom options (don't forget to specify options:["option1","option2"] or options:[{"value":1,"text":"Option 1"},{"value": 2,"text":"Option 2"}])
    • user-password - special component with changing user password along with confirmation
  • required (true | false) should this field be required?
  • default - the default value to set when you are creating the new user

user-form-fields-user and user-form-fields-sudo

2 system settings for managers with sudo permission and without.

Here you can specify the order of existing fields by beauty JSON arrays:

    ["username", "fullname", ["active", "sudo"]],
    ["email", ["dob", "gender"]]

You will get 2 column form with nested fields, some of which are also split into 2 columns. On mobile devices it will be 1 column form.