
Generic Configuration Library

2.1.0 2017-10-31 18:20 UTC


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A generic configuration library for getting and setting values for keys.


Install via composer:

composer require minphp/configure:~2.0

Basic Usage

use Minphp\Configure\Configure;

$config = new Configure();
$config->set('key', 'value');

Supported Actions

  • $config->set($key, $value) - Add or update a value in the config
  • $config->get($key) - Get a value from the config
  • $config->exists($key) - Find if a key is set in the config
  • $config->remove($key) - Remove a key from the config

Using Config Files

Configure currently supports the following formats:

  • PHP (a file that returns an array or object supported by \ArrayIterator)
  • JSON


return array(
    'key1' => 'value',
    'key2' => array('key' => 'value')


    "key1": "value",
    "key2": {"property": "value"}


use Minphp\Configure\Configure;

$config = new Configure();
$config->load(new Reader\PhpReader(new \SplFileObject('config.php')));
echo $config->get('key1'); // prints "value"
echo $config->get('key2')['key']; // prints "value";

$config->load(new Reader\JsonReader(new \SplFileObject('config.json')));

echo $config->get('key1'); // prints "value"
echo $config->get('key2')->property; // prints "value";

Note: Configure won't mess with your data. JSON objects are returned as actual objects, not hashes.

A literal translation of the above config.json file would be:

return array(
    'key' => 'value',
    'key2' => (object)array('key' => 'value')