Database Access Wrapper for Milantex's projects.

1.0.5 2016-09-28 09:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-03 14:34:38 UTC


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What is Milantex-DAW?

This package provides a mechanism to easily connect and use a MySQL/MariaDB database. Check the text below for information about how to install it and to see examples of how to use it.


Using composer in the command line

You can use composer to install the package using the following command from within your project's source directory:

composer require milantex/daw

Make sure to update your autoloader if needed:

composer dump-autoload -o

Requiring the package as a dependency in composer.json

Add the following code to your composer.json. Here is an example of a composer.json file with the milantex/daw package required:

    "name": "your-name/your-project",
    "description": "Your project's description",
    "type": "project",
    "license": "MIT",
    "authors": [
            "name": "Your Name",
            "email": "your@mail.tld"
    "require": {
        "milantex/daw": "*"

Make sure to run the composer command to install dependencies:

composer install

Using it in your project

To start using the DAW, first require the composer's autoload script:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

After that, you can create an instance of Milantex\DAW\DataBase:

use Milantex\DAW\DataBase;

# Open a connection using the DAW
$daw = new DataBase('localhost', 'bayou', 'root', '');

Here is an example showing how you can select multiple records from the database and print it out:

# Write an SQL query (no parameters)
$query1 = 'SELECT * FROM `post` WHERE `visible` = 1;';

# Execute the query and retrieve all result set rows
$visiblePosts = $daw->selectMany($query1);

# Print out the dump of the result
echo '<pre>' . print_r($visiblePosts, true) . '</pre>';


      [0] => stdClass Object
              [post_id] => 1
              [created_at] => 2015-02-12 20:44:04
              [user_id] => 1
              [title] => Limitless Bayou begins
              [link] => limitsless-bayou-begins
              [content] => This is a sample post in a database.
              [visible] => 1

Here is an example showing how you can select a single record from the database with an SQL query and named parameter placeholders:

# Write an SQL query (with one parameter for the username)
$query2 = 'SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `username` = :username AND `active` = 1;';

# Prepare the parameter associative array
$params2 = [ ':username' => 'milantex' ];

# Execute the query and retrieve a single result set
$user = $daw->selectOne($query2, $params2);

# Print out the dump of the result
echo '<pre>' . print_r($user, true) . '</pre>';


  stdClass Object
      [user_id] => 1
      [created_At] => 2015-02-12 20:41:12
      [username] => milantex
      [password] => SOME_HASH_VALUE
      [active] => 1

Here is an example showing how you can delete records from the database using unnamed parameter placeholders (ordered):

# Write an SQL query (with an unnamed parameter placeholder)
$query3 = 'DELETE FROM `post` WHERE `post_id` = ?;';

# Prepare the ordered parameter array
$params3 = [ 130 ];

# Execute the query and retrieve a single result set
$result3 = $daw->execute($query3, $params3);

# Check the result
if (!$result3) {
	# Print out the dump of error information if the result is bad
	echo '<pre>' . print_r($daw->getLastExecutionError(), true) . '</pre>';
} else {
	# Print out how many records were affected
	$affectedRows = $daw->getLastExecutionAffectedRownCount();
	echo 'Deleted record count: ' . $affectedRows . '<br><br>';


Deleted record count: 0

Here is an example showing how you can add a record to a table, again using named parameter placeholders:

# Write an SQL query (with unnamed parameter placeholders)
$query4 = 'INSERT INTO `post` (`user_id`, `title`, `link`, `content`) '.
		  'VALUES (:user_id, :title, :link, :content);';

# Prepare the parameter associative array
$params4 = [
	':user_id' => 1,
	':title'   => 'A test post',
	':link'    => 'a-test-post',
	':content' => '<p>This is the content of the new test post.</p>'

# Execute the query and retrieve a single result set
$result4 = $daw->execute($query4, $params4);

# Check the result
if (!$result4) {
	# Print out the dump of error information if the result is bad
	echo '<pre>' . print_r($daw->getLastExecutionError(), true) . '</pre>';
} else {
	# Get the ID of the new post
	$postId = $daw->getLastInsertId();
	echo 'The ID of the new post is: ' . $postId . '<br><br>';


The ID of the new post is: 6