Framework for creating WHMCS addon modules.

v1.0.0 2024-11-20 13:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 08:49:59 UTC


WAM is a powerful framework designed to simplify the creation and management of WHMCS addon modules. It provides a structured approach with modern PHP practices and helpful CLI commands.


To create a new WHMCS addon module, use Composer:

composer create-project asamserver/wam your-addon-name dev-main

This will create a new directory with your addon name and install all necessary dependencies.

Directory Structure

After installation, your project will have the following structure:

├── app/
│   ├── Controllers/
│   ├── Dispatcher/
│   ├── Helper/
│   └── Models/
├── commands/
├── database/
├── resource/
│   ├── css/
│   ├── js/
│   └── views/
└── routes/

Available Commands

WAM comes with several CLI commands to help you build your addon module:

1. Create Addon Module

php whmcs make:addon YourAddonName

This command will:

  • Create the main addon file
  • Set up the basic directory structure
  • Generate necessary dispatcher files
  • Create a base controller
  • Set up routing configuration


Created app directory: /path/to/your/addon/app
Created addon file: /path/to/your/addon/YourAddonName.php
Created Application file: /path/to/your/addon/app/Application.php
Created Helper directory: /path/to/your/addon/app/Helper
Created helper file: /path/to/your/addon/app/Helper/Helper.php
Created adminDispatcher directory: /path/to/your/addon/app/Dispatcher
Created AdminDispatcher file: /path/to/your/addon/app/Dispatcher/AdminDispatcher.php
Created AdminDispatcher file: /path/to/your/addon/app/Dispatcher/ClientDispatcher.php
Created Router file: /path/to/your/addon/app/Router.php
Created BaseController directory: /path/to/your/addon/app/Controllers
Created BaseController file: /path/to/your/addon/app/Controllers/BaseController.php

2. Create Controller

php whmcs make:controller Admin/DashboardController

Creates a new controller with basic structure and routing.


Created controller: /path/to/your/addon/app/Controllers/Admin/DashboardController.php

3. Create Model

php whmcs make:model User

Generates a new Eloquent model class.


Created model: /path/to/your/addon/app/Models/User.php

4. Create Migration

php whmcs make:migration users

Creates a new database migration file.


Created database directory: /path/to/your/addon/database
Created migration file: /path/to/your/addon/database/YYYY_MM_DD_HHMMSS_create_users_table.php

5. Create Environment File

php whmcs make:env

Creates a .env file from .env.example if it doesn't exist.


.env file successfully created from .env.example


Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be configured in your .env file:

AUTHOR=Your Name


Define your routes in routes/web.php:

return [
    // Admin routes
    'admin/dashboard' => [
        'controller' => DashboardController::class,
        'action' => 'index',
    // Client routes
    'client/dashboard' => [
        'controller' => ClientDashboardController::class,
        'action' => 'index',

Views and Assets


Place your view files in resource/views/. The BaseController provides a renderView method:

public function index()
    return $this->renderView('dashboard', [
        'title' => 'Dashboard',
        'data' => $someData

CSS and JavaScript

  • CSS files go in resource/css/
  • JavaScript files go in resource/js/
  • Access them using renderCss() and renderJs() methods in BaseController

Helper Functions

The framework provides several helper functions in app/Helper/Helper.php:

  • generateRandomNumber(): Generates a random number
  • getClientId(): Gets the current client ID
  • getControllerClass(): Gets the fully qualified controller class name

Best Practices

  1. Always use the provided CLI commands to generate new files
  2. Follow PSR-4 autoloading standards
  3. Use migrations for database changes
  4. Keep controllers thin and move business logic to models
  5. Use environment variables for configuration
  6. Follow WHMCS security best practices


  • PHP >= 8.0
  • WHMCS installation
  • Composer


The framework includes:

  • illuminate/database
  • symfony/console
  • vlucas/phpdotenv


This project is licensed under the MIT License.