
Laravel package to retrieve gravatar url.

v1.0.1 2018-03-23 07:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 02:51:29 UTC


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Gravatar for Laravel 5


Pull in the package through Composer:

composer require mikielis/gravatar ~1.0

Or you can add the following to your composer.json file and then run command: composer update.

"require": {
    "mikielis/gravatar": "~1.0"

Include the service provider withing config/app.php. That's the method for Laravel 5.4 and greater.

'providers' => [

To use the facade, add the facade alias to config/app.php:

'aliases' => [
    'Gravatar' => Mikielis\Gravatar\Facades\Gravatar::class,


Get gravatar URL Within your controllers or views in this way:


If you want to specify a size of gravatar, do it passing second argument (integer):

    Gravatar::getUrl('email@example.com', 100);

If you want to get gravatars for more than one email address, you can do it in the following way (passing array):

    Gravatar::getUrls(['email@example.com', 'email2@example.com', 'email3@example.com']);

You can still specify your expected size in this way:

    Gravatar::getUrls(['email@example.com', 'email2@example.com', 'email3@example.com'], 60);

When preferred size is not specified, default size of gravatar is set to 80.