
Easy payments on top of Symfony

dev-master 2016-12-10 14:18 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-22 20:14:02 UTC


This bundle is under hard development, it's still not ready to use.

The aim of this bundle is provide a fully customizable and extensible payment methods in your website on top of Symfony.


Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:


$ composer require miguelv/easy-payment-bundle:dev-master

Step 2: Configure the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...

            new Miguelv\EasyPaymentBundle\EasyPaymentBundle(),

        // ...

    // ...

Add gateway configuration, at the moment only stripe gateway is provided. Get your api keys in Stripe site.

    easy_payment.stripe.api_key: "%easy_payment.stripe.api_key%"
    easy_payment.stripe.publishable_key: "%easy_payment.stripe.publishable_key%"

Minimal configuration to add in your app/config/config.yml:

        apiKey: "%easy_payment.stripe.api_key%"
        publishable_key: "%easy_payment.stripe.publishable_key%"

        success_path: 'home'
        fail_path: 'pricing'

Add routing in app/config/routing.yml

    resource: "@EasyPaymentBundle/Resources/config/routing/routing.xml"


The easy way is rendering the form in the template.

{% render(controller('easy_payment.gateway.stripe_payment.controller:renderFormAction', {
      description: 'Foo Product (12$)',
      amount: 1200

You can pass aditional information in the render call:

{% render(controller('easy_payment.gateway.stripe_payment.controller:renderFormAction', {
      description: 'Foo Product (12$)',
      amount: 1200,
      currency: 'usd',
      metadata: {"order_id": "12345"}

If you want for example private information to be added, better override the service controller. Because in this bundle, the
controllers are declared as services, you can override the controllers, modifiying the class loaded.

        controller: 'MyAppBundle\Controller\StripePaymentController'

Then create your own service and extends the original one overriding paymentAction:


use Miguelv\EasyPaymentBundle\Controller\StripePaymentController


class MyStripePaymentControllerService extends StripePaymentController
    public function paymentAction(Request $request)
        //your code here


Full configuration

        controller: 'Miguelv\EasyPaymentBundle\Controller\StripePaymentController'
        apiKey: '%easy_payment.stripe.api_key%'
        publishable_key: "%easy_payment.stripe.publishable_key%"
        manager: 'Miguelv\EasyPaymentBundle\Gateways\Stripe\StripeManager'
            type: 'easy_payment_stripe_type'
            validation_groups: ['Default']
        data: # You can put here any default values admited by Stripe: see https://stripe.com/docs/checkout
          image: 'http://www.my-company.com/logo.png'
          name: 'My Company'
          description: 'Foo Product (12$)'
          locale: auto
          zip-code: true
          billing-address: false
          amount: 1000 #Yo can also put a default amount, then you can skip this data when rendering the form

        success_path: 'easy_payment_home' # The bundle add success message into symfony message flash bag
        fail_path: 'easy_payment_fail' # The bundle add fail message into symfony message flash bag
        currency: 'usd' # three letter defining currency ('eur' for euro).