
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Midgard2 repository connection for Symfony2

dev-master 2012-06-22 10:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-24 14:51:35 UTC


This bundle enables you to configure and open a Midgard2 repository connection as part of regular Symfony2 loading sequence.


First of all, you need the midgard2 PHP extension. On typical Linux distributions this can be installed with:

$ sudo apt-get install php5-midgard2

Install this bundle by adding the following to the deps file and running php bin/vendors install:


Then add the Midgard namespace to the app/autoload.php:

'Midgard' => __DIR__.'/../vendor'

And enable this bundle in your Kernel:

new Midgard\ConnectionBundle\MidgardConnectionBundle()


To have a working Midgard2 repository connection, you need to supply this bundle with a valid Midgard configuration settings. You can do this in your Symfony2 config:

    type: SQLite
    name: midgard2
    databasedir: "%kernel.root_dir%"
    logfile: "%kernel.root_dir%/logs/midgard2.log"
    loglevel: debug
    blobdir: "%kernel.root_dir%/blobs"
    sharedir: "%kernel.root_dir%/share"

Using Midgard user database

The Midgard Connection Bundle provides the necessary services for using the Midgard database for users and authentication. To do this, you need to edit your security.yml configuration. You need at least the following:

        Midgard\ConnectionBundle\Security\User\User: plaintext

            id: security.user.provider.midgard

Normal Symfony2 access control and firewall rules apply. Userlevels of Midgard user records will be mapped to ROLE_USER and ROLE_ADMIN accordingly.

Database initialization

If you need to initialize your Midgard2 database, there is a command for this. Just run:

$ php app/console midgard:connection:init