
PHP template engine

v1.1.0 2023-08-07 19:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-07 22:17:36 UTC


PHP template engine by Micky-N
Latest Stable Version Generic badge

The template engine uses the block and extension system to define the different parts of the view.

// index.php
<?php $this->extends('layout') ?>

<?php $this->block('content') ?>
<?php $this->endblock() ?>
// layout.php

<?= $this->section('content') ?>
// render




composer require micky/mkyengine


Directory Loader

The directory loader register view directory for template engine

$loader = new \MkyEngine\DirectoryLoader('views_dir');

If you want to define component or layout subdirectory use setComponentDir or setLayoutDir


component directory will be views_dir/components_dir and layout directory will be views_dir/layouts_dir


The environment stores all directories with the namespace and file extension of the view, you can optionally define shared variables

$context = [] // Shared environment variables, optional

$environment = new \MkyEngine\Environment($loader, $context); 

By default, the first namespace is root, you can add another directory loader and its namespace with the method addLoader()

$environment->addLoader('ns2', $loader2);

// Check if loader exists
$environment->hasLoader('ns2'); // true

To use view, component or layout from another namespace use @namespace:view

<?= $this->component('form') ?> // From root namepsace
<?= $this->component('@ns2:form') ?> // From ns2 namespace

View Compiler

The view compiler compiles the view by retrieving the blocks and displaying them in the layout sections. The first parameter is the environment, the second is the view to be displayed and the third is the view variables.

$view = new \MkyEngine\ViewCompile($environment, 'index', [
   'name' => 'Micky'

To render the view use render() method

echo $view->render();



The layout is a background for the views, you can define which parts of the layout will be filled by the view.

// layout.php
<?= $this->section('content') ?>

You can define a default value in the section that will be used if no 'title' block is defined.

// layout.php
<?= $this->section('title', 'default') ?>

Layout view can extend another layout.

// layout.php
<?php $this->extends('great-layout') ?>

<?php $this->block('title', 'new Title') ?>

<?php $this->block('content2') ?>

   <?= $this->section('content') ?>

<?php $this->endblock() ?>
// layout.php
<?= $this->section('title', 'title') ?>  
<?= $this->section('content2') ?>



Extends method is used to define the layout file.

<?php $this->extends('layout') ?>

Blocks are a part of view use for layout. The param is the block name

<?php $this->extends('layout') ?>

<?php $this->block('content') ?>
<?php $this->endblock() ?>

You can set a simple block with a second parameter

<?php $this->extends('layout') ?>

<?php $this->block('title', 'MkyFramework') ?>

To display this block use section() method in the layout with the block name to display

// layout.php
<?= $this->section('content') ?>

You can define several blocks with the same name

<?php $this->block('content') ?>
<?php $this->endblock() ?>
<?php $this->block('content') ?>
  <p>second part</p>
<?php $this->endblock() ?>

It will show

<p>second part</p>

Thanks to that, blocks can be conditioned by the method if()

<?php $this->block('content')->if($condition) ?>
<?php $this->endblock() ?>


Thanks to injection method $this->inject you can set object used for HTML template like number formatter or form builder as View property

Example FormBuilder:

class FormBuilder
    public function open(array $attr): string
        return "<form method='{$attr['method']}' action='{$attr['action']}'>";

    public function input(string $type, string $name, string $value = ''): string
        return "<input type='$type' name='$name' value='$value'>";

    public function submit(string $message, string $name = ''): string
        return "<button type='submit'" . ($name ? " name='$name'" : '') . ">$message</button>";

    public function close(): string
        return "</form>";

In the view:

// view.php
<?php $this->inject('form', FormBuilder::class) ?>

The first parameter is the name of property you want to register in the view instance and the second is the class to instantiate, you can pass a class instance or a class name. You will be able to use class via $this->nameOfProperty

<?php $this->inject('form', FormBuilder::class) ?>
<?= $this->form->open(['method' => 'POST', 'action' => '/create']) ?>
    <?= $this->form->input('text', 'firstname', 'Micky') ?>
    <?= $this->form->input('text', 'lastname', 'Ndinga') ?>
    <?= $this->form->submit('Save') ?>
<?= $this->form->close() ?>

The HTML rendering will be:

<form method="POST" action="/create">
    <input type="text" name="firstname" value="Micky">
    <input type="text" name="lastname" value="Ndinga">
    <button type="submit">Save</button>


The component is a view piece, useful if you want to use it in several views.

<?= $this->component('form') ?>

You can pass a variable to the component with the method bind(), the first parameter is the component variable and the second is the value.

<?= $this->component('form')->bind('name', 'Micky') ?>

You can pass multiple variables to the component with the method binds().

<?= $this->component('form')->multipleBind(['name' => 'Micky', 'lastname' => 'Ndinga']) ?>

Same as block class, components can be conditioned by the method if()

<?= $this->component('form')->if($condition) ?>

You can repeat a component in loop with 2 methods:

  • for
  • each

For loop

The first parameter is the number of iterations, the second is a callback that will be called at each iteration. In callback the first parameter is the view params, the second is the current loop index.

Example: in name-input.php component there a variable called 'name' for an input, with the callback each iterated component will have the name of the current user

// components/name-input.php
<input value="<?= $name ?>"/>
<?= $this->component('name-input')->for(3, function(array $params, int $index) use ($users){  
     $params['name'] = $users[$index]->name;  
     return $params;  
}) ?>


With the method each() , the component will iterate for each array value. The first parameter is the array and the second can be a callback, an array or a string.


The each() callback is the same as the for() callback but with a third parameter that it's the array.

<?= $this->component('name-input')->each($users, function(array $params, int $index, array $users){
    $params['name'] = $users[$index]->name;  
    return $params;  
}) ?>

You can bind variable with an array that index is the component variable and the value is the object property or array key of data $users

<?= $this->component('name-input')->each($users, ['name']) ?> // 'name' => user->name
<?= $this->component('name-input')->each($users, ['name' => 'firstname']) ?> // 'name' => user->firstname

If you need to pass a nested value, you can do so by concatenating address.postcode it's equal to:

  • $user->{address | getAddress() | magic getter for "address"}->{postcode | getPostcode() | magic getter for "postcode"}


  • $user->address->postcode
  • $user->getAddress()->postcode
  • $user->address['postcode']
  • $user->getAddress()['postcode']
  • $user['address']->postcode
  • $user['address']['postcode']

All properties and nested properties are accessible if the property exists or a getter, like for postcode, getPostcode() exists or a magic method exists


The component may need the object or array as parameter (like one user of users), for that you can set in the parameter the name of current iterated data

// components/user-input.php
<input value="<?= $user->name ?>"/>

// view
<?= $this->component('user-input2')->each($users, 'user') ?>
Else component

If the data $users is empty you can set a third parameter as string to define the else component

<?= $this->component('user-input')->each($users, 'user', 'empty-user') ?>
Component slot

In the case you have a component which you want to make the body dynamic like:

// components/alert.php
<div class="alert alert-<?= $type ?>">
        <p><?= ucfirst($type) ?>:</p>
        <?= $this->slot('default') ?>
    <?php if ($this->hasSlot('confirm')): ?>
        <button id="confirm"><?= $this->slot('confirm') ?></button>
    <?php endif ?>
    <?php if ($this->hasSlot('close')): ?>
        <button id="close"><?= $this->slot('close') ?></button>
    <?php endif ?>

A simple alert component with a conditional button, to use this in your view, you have to set three slots: the default, confirm and close slot

// view
<?php $this->component('alert')->bind('type', 'danger') ?>
    this is an alert
    <?php $this->addslot('confirm', 'confirm the alert') ?>
    // Or
    <?php $this->addslot('confirm') ?>
        <span>confirm</span> the alert
    <?php $this->endslot() ?>
    <?php $this->addslot('close', 'Close info') ?>

<?php $this->component('alert')->end() ?>

The HTML rendering will be:

<div class="alert alert-danger">
        this is an alert
    <button id="confirm"><span>confirm</span> the alert</button>
    <button id="close">Close info</button>

All texts not in a slot will be placed in the default slot. Slots can be conditional:

<?php $this->addslot('close', 'Close info')->if($type == 'info') ?>

You can also make a default value for empty slot to avoid error message

<?= $this->slot('default', 'default text') ?>
