
Roles and Permissions for PHP Phalcon Framework.

v1.1 2017-12-07 20:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:10:28 UTC


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Phalcon Confer, or simply Confer, empowers your application of a powerful yet flexible Roles and Permissions management system.

Either Users or User Teams can receive new Roles.

Confer has been highly inspired by the Laravel package Entrust.


Confer can be installed through Composer, just include "michele-angioni/phalcon-confer": "^1.0" to your composer.json and run composer update or composer install.

Then Confer migrations must run to create the needed tables. For this, you need to have installed the Phalcon Dev Tools.

Alternatively, Yarak can be used to run the migrations. Just copy-paste the migration files into your migration folder and run php yarak migrate.

From your Phalcon document root, just run phalcon migration run --migrations=vendor/michele-angioni/phalcon-confer/migrations .


Empowering Users

Let's say you have a MyApp\Users model you want to add roles to. It just needs to extend MicheleAngioni\PhalconConfer\Models\AbstractConferModel and use MicheleAngioni\PhalconConfer\ConferTrait like so:


namespace MyApp;

use MicheleAngioni\PhalconConfer\ConferTrait;
use MicheleAngioni\PhalconConfer\Models\AbstractConferModel;

class Users extends AbstractConferModel
    use ConferTrait;

    protected $id;

    protected $email;

    protected $password;

    public function getId(): int
        return $this->id;

    public function getEmail(): string
        return $this->email;

    public function setEmail(string $email)
        $this->email = $email;

    public function getPassword(): string
        return $this->password;

    public function setPassword(string $password)
        $this->password = $password;

Empowering Teams

Alternatively, if your application has User Teams and you need to empower Teams of a Roles and Permission system, Confer can do it.

Let's say you also have a MyApp\Teams model and you want to add roles to Users separately for each Team they belong. You just need to also extend MicheleAngioni\PhalconConfer\Models\AbstractConferTeamModel and the MicheleAngioni\PhalconConfer\ConferTeamTrait to your Team model like so:


namespace MyApp;

use MicheleAngioni\PhalconConfer\ConferTeamTrait;
use MicheleAngioni\PhalconConfer\Models\AbstractConferTeamModel;

class Teams extends AbstractConferTeamModel
    use ConferTeamTrait;

    protected $id;

    protected $name;

    public function getId(): int
        return $this->id;

    public function getName(): string
        return $this->name;

    public function setName(string $name)
        $this->name = $name;

Roles and Permission Management

The Confer Class

Most of Confer features can be handled through the Confer class, which provides a useful gateway to manage Roles and Permissions.

You can create an instance of the Confer class simply with

$confer = new Confer(
    new RoleService(new Roles()),
    new PermissionService(new Permissions())

or you can take advantage of Phalcon's Dependency Injection, by defining

$di->setShared('confer', function () use ($di) {
    return new Confer(
     new RoleService(new Roles()),
     new PermissionService(new Permissions())

Retrieving all Roles and Permissions

Thanks to the Confer class retrieving all Roles and Permissions is straightforward

$roles = $confer->getRoles();

$permissions = $confer->getPermissions();

Retrieving a specific Role or Permission

The Confer class allows also to search a Role or a Permission by both id and name

$role = $confer->getRole('Admin'); // Also the Role id can be used as parameter

$permission = $confer->getPermission('manage_roles'); // Also the Permission id can be used as parameter

Creating a new Role

Creating a new Role is simple and can be done again by using the Confer class

$role = $confer->createRole([
    'name' => 'Admin'

Creating a new Permission

Creating a new Permission is done in the same way of a Role

$permission = $confer->createPermission([
    'name' => 'manage_roles'

Deleting a Role or Permission

The Confer class is also provided with methods to properly delete Roles and Permissions by id and name.

$role = $confer->getRole('Admin'); // Also the Role id can be used as parameter

$permission = $confer->getPermission('manage_roles'); // Also the Permission id can be used as parameter

Assigning a Permission to a Role

Assigning a Permission to a Role is straightforward


Removing a Permission from a Role

Same as before, removing a Permission from a Role is achieved with a single command


Retrieving all Permission Roles

Thanks to the Phalcon ORM, we can immediatly retrieve all Permission from a Role

$permissions = $role->getPermissions();

User Roles Management

Assigning a Role to a User

Thanks to the ConferTrait, managing roles is extremely simple with Confer


Removing a Role from a User

In a way similar to the assignment, we can remove it


Retrieving all User Roles

Again, thanks to the Phalcon ORM, we can immediatly retrieve all Roles from a User

$roles = $user->getRoles();

Checking for a Role

Checking if a User has a specific Role is straightforward


Checking for a Permission

Even checking for a specific Permission is super easy


Team User Roles Management

Assigning a Role to a Team

Thanks to the ConferTeamTrait, even Team Roles can be handled without efforts

$team->attachRole($idUser, $role);

Removing a Role from a Team

In a way similar to the assignment, we can remove it


Checking for a Role

Checking if a Team User has a specific Role can be done both from the User and Team models

$user->hasRoleInTeam($idTeam, $roleName);
$team->userHasRole($idUser, $roleName);

Checking for a Permission

Also checking for a specific Permission can be performed from both models

$team->userCan($idUser, $permissionName);
$team->canInTeam($idTeam, $permissionName);


Once you have set your own Roles and Permissions, it is likely you want to protect some of your routes. The simplest way to achieve that is to use the Match feature of the Phalcon Router. You can easily write your custom RolesMiddleware or use the one included in Confer.

Custom Match Middleware

Let's build a custom RolesMiddleware skeleton so you can easily add it to your application


namespace MyApp;

use Phalcon\Http\Response;
use Phalcon\Mvc\User\Plugin;

class RolesMiddleware extends Plugin
     * The Role name.
     * @var string
    protected $roleName;

     * @param string $roleName
    function __construct(string $roleName)
        $this->roleName = $roleName;

     * Check if there is an Authenticated User and if he/she has the required Role.
     * @return mixed
    public function check()
        // 1) Check if a User if currently authenticated. You can do this with your own auth service or however you prefer
        [...]  // Let's say we have a $user object which can be null, false or an instance of MyApp\Users
        // 2) Check if an authenticated User has been found

        if (!$user) {
            // The User is not authenticated, return false
            return false;

        // 3) We have the authenticated User. Check if he/she has the required role

        if(!$user->hasRole($this->roleName)) {
            // The User has not the required role, return false
            return false;

        return true;

Now that we have our RolesMiddleware, just add it to the router and check if the user has the 'Admin' Role

$router->addGet('/super-private-route', [
    'module' => 'web',
    'controller' => 'secret',
    'action' => 'index'
])->beforeMatch([new \MyApp\RolesMiddleware('DEV', '/homepage'), 'check']);

That's it. If the User has not the required Role, he/she will get a 404 error.

Confer RolesMiddleware

Confer comes with an own RolesMiddleware out of the box. However, in order to use it, the User authentication must be handled by Phalcon Auth.

Phalcon Auth allow you to easily retrieve the authenticated user by just calling $auth->getAuth().

If you are using Phalcon Auth to handle your authentication, adding the Confer RolesMiddleware is straightforward

$router->addGet('/super-private-route', [
    'module' => 'web',
    'controller' => 'secret',
    'action' => 'index'
])->beforeMatch([new \MicheleAngioni\PhalconConfer\Middlewares('DEV', '/homepage'), 'check']);

Contribution guidelines

Confer follows PSR-1, PSR-2 and PSR-4 PHP coding standards, and semantic versioning.

Pull requests are welcome.


Confer is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.