
A compiler script for Admin Page Framework, a WordPress development framework.

1.2.0 2022-03-02 05:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 07:30:13 UTC


A compiler script for Admin Page Framework, a WordPress development framework.



To install the library using Composer, run

composer require michaeluno/admin-page-framework-compiler

Basic Usage

$oCompiler = new \AdminPageFrameworkCompiler\Compiler( $sSourceDirPath, $sDestinationDirPath );


The options array takes the following arguments.

  • output_buffer : (boolean) whether output buffer should be printed.
  • exclude_classes : (array) an array holding class names to exclude.
  • css_heredoc_keys : (array, optional) an array holding heredoc/nowdoc keywords used to assign CSS rules to a variable. For nowdoc keywords, omit enclosing single quotes.
  • js_heredoc_keys : (array, optional) an array holding heredoc/nowdoc keywords used to assign JavaScript scripts to a variable. For nowdoc keywords, omit enclosing single quotes.
  • excludes : (array, optional) an array storing information of items not to compile. Those items will be added but not formatted.
    • classes : (array) Class names to exclude from compiling.
    • paths : (array) File paths to exclude from compiling.
    • file_names : (array) File names with a file extension to exclude from compiling.
  • combine : (array, optional) Combine option
    • inheritance : (boolean) Whether to combine files in the same directory with hierarchical relationships.
    • exclude_classes : (string|array, optional) Class names to exclude from combining.
  • search : (array) the arguments for the directory search options.
    • allowed_extensions: (array) allowed file extensions to be listed. e.g. [ 'php', 'inc' ]
    • exclude_dir_paths: (array) directory paths to exclude from the list.
    • exclude_dir_names: (array) directory base names to exclude from the list. e.g. [ 'temp', '_bak', '_del', 'lib', 'vendor', ]
    • exclude_file_names: (array) a sub-string of file names to exclude from the list. e.g. [ '.min' ]
    • exclude_substrings: (array) sub-strings of paths to exclude from the list. e.g. [ '.min', '_del', 'temp', 'library', 'vendor' ]
    • is_recursive: (boolean) whether to scan sub-directories.
    • ignore_note_file_names: (array) ignore note file names that tell the parser to skip the directory. When one of the files exist in the parsing directory, the directory will be skipped. Default: [ 'ignore-class-map.txt' ],
  • comment_header : (array, optional) what header comment to insert at the top of the generated file
    • text : (string, optional) the header comment to set
    • path : (string, optional) the file path to extract the comment from
    • class : (string, optional) the class name to use its doc-block as the header comment
    • type : (string, optional) indicates what type of data to collect. Accepted values are DOCBLOCK, CONSTANTS. When type is CONSTANTS, the constants of the header class must include VERSION, NAME, DESCRIPTION, URI, AUTHOR, COPYRIGHT, LICENSE.
        class Sample_Registry {
          const VERSION       = '1.0.0';
           const NAME          = 'Sample Project';
           const DESCRIPTION   = 'Provides an enhanced task management system for WordPress.';
           const URI           = 'https://en.michaeluno.jp/';
           const AUTHOR        = 'miunosoft (Michael Uno)';
           const AUTHOR_URI    = 'https://en.michaeluno.jp/';
           const COPYRIGHT     = 'Copyright (c) 2014, <Michael Uno>';
           const LICENSE       = 'GPL v2 or later';
           const CONTRIBUTORS  = '';
    • php_cs_fixer : (array, optional) PHP CS Fixer options.
      • config: (string, object) The config object or the config file path.
      • rules: (array) An array holding custom rules.
    • code_formatters : (array, optional) an array holding class names or object instances of those classes that extend the AbstractCodeFormatter class and perform formatting of code. When an item is added, the get() will be called to retrieve the filtered PHP code. The PHP code is passed per-file basis.


$oCompiler = new \AdminPageFrameworkCompiler\Compiler(
        'output_buffer'        => true,
        'exclude_classes'      => [],
        'css_heredoc_keys'     => [ 'CSSRULES' ],       // to disable inline CSS minification, set an empty array
        'js_heredoc_keys'      => [ 'JAVASCRIPTS' ],    // to disable inline JavaScript minification, set an empty array
        'search'               => [
            'allowed_extensions'    => [ 'php' ],    // e.g. array( 'php', 'inc' )
            // 'exclude_dir_paths'  => array( $sTargetBaseDir . '/include/class/admin' ),
            'exclude_dir_names'     => [ '_document', 'document', 'cli' ],
            'exclude_dir_names_regex' => [
            'exclude_file_names'    => [
            'is_recursive'            => true,
        'include'               => [
            'allowed_extensions'    => [ 'js', 'css', 'map' ],    // e.g. array( 'php', 'inc' )
        'comment_header'        => [
            'path' => $sFilePath,