
A PHP class that generates class maps for autoload.

1.3.1 2022-02-22 16:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 22:05:50 UTC


A PHP class that generates class maps for autoload.



To install the library using Composer, run

composer require michaeluno/php-classmap-generator


Instantiate the class with options.

new \PHPClassMapGenerator\PHPClassMapGenerator(
    __DIR__,                        // base dir
    __DIR__ . '/_scandir',          // scan dir path
    __DIR__ . '/class-map.php',     // the result output file

This creates a class map file looking like a following.

$aClassMap = array( 
    "Foo\FooClass" => CLASS_MAP_BASE_DIR_VAR . "/_scandir/FooClass.php", 
    "Foo\FooClass_Base" => CLASS_MAP_BASE_DIR_VAR . "/_scandir/FooClass_Base.php", 
    "Joe\JoeInterface" => CLASS_MAP_BASE_DIR_VAR . "/_scandir/interfaces/JoeInterface.php", 
    "Bar\Bar" => CLASS_MAP_BASE_DIR_VAR . "/_scandir/traits/BarTrait.php", 

Before including the map file, define the constant CLASS_MAP_BASE_DIR_VAR in your PHP script.

    define( 'CLASS_MAP_BASE_DIR_VAR', __DIR__ );

or whatever the base directory path should be.

This automatically inserted string CLASS_MAP_BASE_DIR_VAR can be changed to whatever string you need with the option argument base_dir_var. For more details, see the 4th parameter section.

Interfaces and traits are also included.


The class accepts four parameters.

1. (string) Base Directory Path

The first parameter accepts the base directory path.

This is required because scanned and gathered absolute paths are on the system where the script runs. However, the actual users of your programs do not share the same absolute paths depending on their systems. That's why the base directory path will be replaced with a constant or a variable in the output.

2. (string|array) Scan Directory Paths

The second parameter accepts directory paths to scan. For multiple paths, pass an numerically indexed array holding them.

new \PHPClassMapGenerator\PHPClassMapGenerator(
    __DIR__ . '/scandir',         
    __DIR__ . '/class-map.php',     
new \PHPClassMapGenerator\PHPClassMapGenerator(
    [ __DIR__ . '/scandir', __DIR__ . '/scandir2' ],         
    __DIR__ . '/class-map.php',     

3. (string) The output PHP file path.

Set a path that the generated list will be written.

4. Options (optional)

This parameter accepts an array holding options.

  • output_buffer : (boolean) whether output buffer should be printed.
  • exclude_classes : (array) an array holding class names to exclude.
  • base_dir_var : (string) the variable or constant name that is prefixed before the inclusion path. Default: __DIR__.
  • output_var_name : (string) the variable string that the map array is assigned to. Default: $aClassMap. If return is set, the variable will not be set but the file just returns the generated map array.
  • do_in_constructor : (boolean) whether to perform the action in the constructor. Default: true.
  • structure : (string) either CLASS or PATH. When CLASS is set, the generated array keys consist of class names. When PATH is set, the generated array keys consist of paths. Default: CLASS.
  • short_array_syntax : (boolean) whether to use array() or [] for array declaration. true for []. Default: false.
  • search : (array) the arguments for the directory search options.
    • allowed_extensions: (array) allowed file extensions to be listed. e.g. [ 'php', 'inc' ]
    • exclude_dir_paths: (array) directory paths to exclude from the list.
    • exclude_dir_names: (array) directory base names to exclude from the list. e.g. [ 'temp', '_bak', '_del', 'lib', 'vendor', ]
    • exclude_file_names: (array) a sub-string of file names to exclude from the list. e.g. [ '.min' ]
    • exclude_substrings: (array) sub-strings of paths to exclude from the list. e.g. [ '.min', '_del', 'temp', 'library', 'vendor' ]
    • is_recursive: (boolean) whether to scan sub-directories.
    • ignore_note_file_names: (array) ignore note file names that tell the parser to skip the directory. When one of the files exist in the parsing directory, the directory will be skipped. Default: [ 'ignore-class-map.txt' ],
  • comment_header : (array, optional) what header comment to insert at the top of the generated file
    • text : (string, optional) the header comment to set
    • path : (string, optional) the file path to extract the comment from
    • class : (string, optional) the class name to use its doc-block as the header comment
    • type : (string, optional) indicates what type of data to collect. Accepted values are DOCBLOCK, CONSTANT.
Generating a class map in the script directory.
new \PHPClassMapGenerator\PHPClassMapGenerator(
    dirname( __DIR__ ),
    [ __DIR__ . '/includes', ],
    __DIR__ . '/class-map.php', 
        'output_buffer'      => true,
        'exclude_classes'    => [ 'TestClass' ],        
        'output_var_name'   => '$classMap',
        'base_dir_var'      => '\MyProject\Registry::$dirPath',
        'search'            => [
            'allowed_extensions'    => [ 'php' ],
            'exclude_dir_paths'     => [ __DIR__ . '/includes/class/admin' ],
            'exclude_dir_names'     => [ '_del', '_bak' ],
            'exclude_file_names'    => [ 'test.php', 'uninsall.php' ],
            'is_recursive'          => true,
Do not write to a file
$_oGenerator = new \PHPClassMapGenerator\PHPClassMapGenerator(
    __DIR__,                        // base dir
    __DIR__ . '/_scandir',          // scan dir name
    __DIR__ . '/class-map.php',
        'do_in_constructor'     => false,
print_r( $_oGenerator->get() );

Find CSS files

$_oGenerator = new \PHPClassMapGenerator\PHPClassMapGenerator(
    __DIR__,                        // base dir
    __DIR__ . '/_scandir',          // scan dir name
    __DIR__ . '/class-map.php',
        'output_var_name'		=> 'return',
        'do_in_constructor'     => false,
        'structure'             => 'PATH',
        'search'                => [
            'allowed_extensions'     => [ 'css' ],
            'ignore_note_file_names' => [ 'ignore-css-map.txt' ],
            'exclude_file_names'     => [ '.min.' ],

print_r( $_oGenerator->get() );

To find JavaScript files, change the 'css' part to 'js' in the allowed_extensions search argument.

Bundled Utility Autoloader

This package includes an autoloader.


Including an array of class list

$_aClassMap = [
  "PHPClassMapGenerator\\PHPClassMapGenerator" => __DIR__ . "/PHPClassMapGenerator.php",
  "PHPClassMapGenerator\\Autoload" => __DIR__ . "/autoload.php",
PHPClassMapGenerator\Utility\Autoload::set( $_aClassMap );

Including the class map file that returns an array of class list

PHPClassMapGenerator\Utility\Autoload::set( include( __DIR__ . '/class-map.php' ) );


Licensed under MIT.