
A package to speed up your laravel database tests by only running the migrations once

v2.1.1 2024-11-19 18:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 18:27:32 UTC


When running database tests in laravel one of the biggest overheads is running all of your migrations, the bigger your application gets the longer it takes.

This package speeds up your tests by running the migrations once into an sqlite file, then before each test rather than running migrations it loads the database structure from a database dump.

At the minute this package only works with phpunit and sqlite.

Version Compatibility


To install the package run:

composer require michaeljennings/refresh-database --dev

Or add michaeljennings/refresh-database to the require-dev section of your composer.json.

"require-dev": {
  "michaeljennings/refresh-database": "^2.0"

Then run composer update to install the package.


Firstly we need to tell phpunit to bootstrap from the package bootstrap.php file.

<phpunit bootstrap="./vendor/michaeljennings/refresh-database/src/bootstrap.php">
    <testsuite name="Standard Test Suite">

By default the bootstrapper will look for a config file called .refresh-database.yml at the same level as your vendor directory.

So your project may looks something like this:


In the .refresh-database.yml you can define the directories we should load migrations from and where the directory to store the database dump in.

A simple config file will look like the following:

  - database/migrations
  - vendor/other/package/database/migrations

output: tests

When you run your tests we will create a .database directory in the output directory. All of the migrations will be run into a sqlite database and then a database dump will be taken for the database structure.

Once you have your config setup you then just need to use the MichaelJennings\RefreshDatabase\RefreshDatabase trait in your test or test case.

use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase as BaseTestCase;
use MichaelJennings\RefreshDatabase\RefreshDatabase;

class TestCase extends BaseTestCase
    use RefreshDatabase;

Multiple Connections

Some systems require you to run migrations into multiple databases, e.g. a multi-tenanted system.

To migrate to multiple database connections you can set the connections property in your .refresh-database.yml file.

Below is a config file with two database connections; shared, and tenant.

      - database/migrations
      - vendor/other/package/database/migrations
      - database/migrations/tenant

output: tests

The connection key must be the name of a database connection in your laravel app.

For the config file above you would have to set two database connections; one called shared, and another called tenant.

return [
  'connections' => [
    'shared' => [
      'driver' => 'sqlite',
        'database' => ':memory:',
        'prefix' => '',
      'tenant' => [
        'driver' => 'sqlite',
        'database' => ':memory:',
        'prefix' => '',

Service Providers

In your application you may have migrations that rely on a service provider being registered, because this package creates it's own application instance you will need to tell it which service providers to register.

To register your service providers you set the providers property in your .refresh-database.yml file.

Below is an example config file where we are loading a utility service provider.

  - database/migrations
  - vendor/other/package/database/migrations

  - Database\UtilityServiceProvider

output: tests


Occasionally you might find you to want to disable the database dump in certain environments.

To disable the database dump you can set a DUMP_DATABASE environment variable and set it to false.

<phpunit bootstrap="./vendor/michaeljennings/refresh-database/src/bootstrap.php">
    <testsuite name="Standard Test Suite">
    <env name="DUMP_DATABASE" value="false"></env>

Migration Cache

By default this package will cache the contents of your migrations so that it only rebuilds the database if it needs to.

If you want to rebuild the database each time you run your tests you set the cache_migrations property to false in your .refresh-database.yml file.

  - database/migrations
  - vendor/other/package/database/migrations

output: tests
cache_migrations: false

If you have setup multiple database connections you only need to specify the cache_migrations property once.

      - database/migrations
      - vendor/other/package/database/migrations
      - database/migrations/tenant

output: tests
cache_migrations: false

If you find the package is not rebuilding the database when you think it should be delete the .database directory from your output directory.